Chelsea: Flashing Lights

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A/N: Sorry guys, this one isn't edited yet. I know it's been a while since the last update and I wanted to get it out here for you guys to read. I will edit it when I get back home next week. Thanks.


This meeting couldn't be any more boring. Twenty people talking about advertising movies and marketing different audiences. It was dull and boring. My phone ran in my pocket and a wave of relief washed over me.

"Hi Chelsea, it's Ian." I stood from my seat and exited the conference room, silently thanking god for any and all distractions. Lucky, these meetings were only a monthly thing.

"Hey, what's up? Is everything okay?"

"Yes, I actually wanted to talk to you about Jessica. Can you meet for lunch?"

"Text me the address and I'll head over."

"Okay perfect."

When I hung up the phone I returned to the meeting to grab my belongings. My boss waved me off with a smile and a nod. This job was different. This entire place was different. Leaving a meeting in New York was considered rude but here, everyone is so laid back. They just shrug things off and go on about their business.

California was growing on me. The constant sunshine and the general laid back culture was a refreshing change from my life in New York. It was nice having Ryan around as well. For the longest time I was sure he only stayed on the east coast for me.

My Uber pulled up in front of my building and I stepped in. The drive was shockingly faster than I expected and when I arrived Ian waved me over to him. He was seated outside at a small coffee shop. It was tucked back from the street just enough. The traffic of the highway was a muffled sound off in the distance.

"Can I order you anything?" Ian asked formally as he waved the waiter over. Even for coffee he wore a suit and tie.

"I'll have a Cappuccino."

Ian smiled slightly. "That's usually what Jessica gets."

"I know." I answered with a small smile. "What did you want to talk about?"

Ian shuffled with his phone before placing it in the pocket of his tailored jacket. It seemed almost as if he was trying to avoid the very conversation that he requested. "It's about your relationship."

There was a short moment when I studied him. Ian refused to make eye contact with me. Instead he looked down at the food menu after he spoke. Although he had shown no previous objections to Jessica and I, I couldn't help be feel offended that he felt strongly enough to meet with me and talk about it privately.

"No offense Ian but I'm not really sure this is something you and I should discuss."

"No, no, no, let me be clear about this." He sat up and looked around to be sure there were no prying ears. "I love you two together. There's no question about that. You make her happy. What I want to talk about is you specifically."

My head tilted in confusion as I stared across the table at Jessica's well dressed agent. "What about me?"

"Once Jessica." Ian pauses and looked around once more. "Comes out the media is going to be nonstop. Once they catch wind of who she is with things are going to change for you. Jessica is used to being basically stalked. She's used to the general lack of privacy that accompanies this industry."

I thought for a moment about what Ian was saying. It wasn't something I had not thought of before. I knew it would be stressful. I knew that if she did this we would be targeted with every outing we shared.

Although Ian did not literally ask me a question, I could see him silently seeking an answer.

He wanted an answer that I did not know how to give. Fame is not something I have ever aspired for. I never wanted my name in lights like Ryan. Those were his ambitions, not mine.

"Chelsea?" Ian's voice interrupted my thoughts.

I looked across the table and gave him the only answer that I could muster up.

"I know that I love her and that I want this to work. Am I ready to have my picture taken whenever I leave my house? I mean is anyone ever ready for that?"

Ian took a long deep breath. His sigh was exaggerated and long but once he settled he spoke again. "I think maybe you two should talk about it. Maybe you should do some thinking as well Chelsea. Your relationship is about to become a lot more difficult."

"I know Ian. I love her."

"I know you do. And so do I. I know it's not the same but I really am just looking out for her and for you. I want you guys to work out but, this industry has a tendency to rip love apart."

"I know Ian."

"Things could get ugly." He leaned forward and rested his arms on the metal table.

The server finally came with my cappuccino and we both waited until we were alone again.

"What do you mean?"

"When she travels, tabloids, magazine covers; they could twist things. Sometimes, when you see a picture you can't unsee it. Even if it is fake."

"I trust her Ian."

"I know. I also know you that you do not want fame. So think about it. Think about what makes you happy Chelsea. Think about what else you're willing to give up. I'm not trying to scare you. I just want you to know think about it. I want you to know exactly what you're doing because I don't want her to get her Chelsea."

"Ian I would never..."

"Chelsea, I know but, sometimes pain is unintentional."

"Okay." It was all I could say.

"It's a same though. Not to be cliche but, a face like yours could dominate in LA. Ryan Tate's little sister and And Jessica Lowe could be the new 'it couple'."

"Too many flashing lights Ian." We both shared a small laugh.

"Well, you better get used to them."


After we finished our drinks Ian and I said goodbye. He left in a limo while I waited for my Uber to arrive. I thought about what he said. I thought about how my life was about to change. I knew Ian wasn't trying to break us up. He was right though, I needed to think about all of this. Did I want all that accompanied Jessica's fame? All the pictures, interviews, And tabloids, was she worth all of this? Were we worth all of it.

My Uber pulled up to the curb. I stepped in the back and put my seatbelt on. My hands found my phone and I dialed her number.

"Jessica, hey can we talk?"

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