Chelsea: Jessica Lowe.

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"Just stay here I'm going to find a blanket."

Fuck. I thought to myself as I dug through a hall closet only to find nothing.

When I gave her my card I never thought she would actually use it.

'Maybe if she had been sober she wouldn't have called.' I thought to myself.

I found her bedroom behind a door at the end of the hallway. In her bedroom closet was a few folded blankets I grabbed one and returned to the living room.

"You know, after what happen I expected your door to be locked." I paused when I returned to a passed out Jessica. "Jessica?"

I could see her chest slowly moving up and down. The intelligent thing for me to do would be to leave. I could just walk out the door and lock it behind me.

But I couldn't leave. It didn't feel right.

My conscious prevented me from leaving her like this. It was so obvious that she was struggling more than she let people know.

"Jess wake up. Let's get you to your room." I nudged her shoulder slightly to see if she would wake up. "Jessica." I spoke more sternly this time.

"Jessica!" I nearly screamed. Jessica's eyes remained close as she turned slightly in the arm chair.

My hand reached down and grabbed hers. Her hand was soft and clammy. Gently, I pulled her up and to her feet. There was no evidence that she was awake or even coherent but for some reason her legs were supporting her weight as I guided her towards her bedroom.

"Please don't." I heard a small whisper escape from her lips.

Jessica's legs began to buckle. For support, I wrapped my arm around her waist and held her close to me. "We're almost there Jess."

"Please." She whispered again, this time it seemed as if she was begging.

A few short steps later we reached her bed. I placed her down and covered her with her blanket. Scattered along the floor were small pieces of glass and the entire room reeked of stale liquor.

"You need help Jessica." I shook my head as I stared down at the beautiful woman in front of me. "Please get some help." I spoke knowing should wouldn't hear me.

When I turned to leave the room I heard her whisper again.

"Please don't go."

I felt my heart sink in my chest. It wasn't my intention to stay with her. I had had no idea what possessed me to do so but I took a seat on her sofa and pulled out my laptop.

I'll stay for a while and make sure she stays asleep. I thought to myself.

I sent all of my emails and finished my reports faster than I usual would. The darkness of the living room was starting to pull at me. My eyes grew tired. I propped myself against the arm of the couch and closed my eyes.


Slam! A loud bang woke me up suddenly.

My eyes shot open in terror. I sat up from the couch and search the room. I had completely forgotten where I was until the moment my eyes meet hers.

"What the fuck are you doing in here?" Jessica screamed from the opposite side of the living room. In her hands was a metal baseball bat.

I stood from the couch slowly while trying to measure her emotional stability. She had the bat raised as if she was ready to attack.

"Calm down Jessica. You called me do you remember?" I spoke softly while I held my hand up in front of me. Her eyes had dark circles and they were littered in pain.

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