Jessica: Friends

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Interviews were done and I had one night left in New York before I headed back to LA. Years ago, I would spend Friday nights with my friends. We would take the subway, make a few transfers and end up in a dive bar with cheep liquor and low standards.

Now things are different. My limo picked them all up, we sipped champagne while we drove to New York's most exclusive club.

I listened to each other their stories. Krista met a guy, she thinks he's the one....again. Jen hates her roommate but is still sleeping with her. She just finished her masters degree and she wants to be a doctor. Julia and Christina got engaged to each other. We all knew it was coming they've been together forever. They want to move to jersey and open a Apple orchard.

"An Apple orchard? That seems like a very lesbian thing to do." I joked. Although we spent some time apart. We all shared the type of friendships where, no matter how much time went by, we just picked right back up where we left off.

We all exchanged a few more laughs before the limo pulled up to the busy club. Outside there was a line wrapped around the building. It seemed as if the melting pot of New York was waiting in that line. There was all different types of people; some clearly gay, others were couples holding hands mixed with larger groups of friends.

Colorful lights pointed their beams up the brick walls of the club, making it visible from every direction. Nearly all the heads of the people waiting in line turned to the limo.  Through the tinted window I watched as a lot of them took out their phones in anticipation of who was going to step out.

Jen reached for the door handle to let us out but Krista stopped her with a small playful smack on her wrist.

"Um Jen, were here with Jessica Fucking Lowe. The driver opens the door for us now." Krista gestured for me to go first and the limo burst into laughter once again.

"Damn I could get used to this." Julia gave me a small hug.

"Same." The others said in unison.

My driver opened the door and reached for my hand to help me out gracefully. I took it and slid my legs out of the limo before standing.

At that moment my fame really struck me. People screamed my name. There were flashes from their phones as they took my picture. My dress hugged my body and I knew what I was wearing would draw attention. The flashes of the cameras bounced off of my rose gold sequence dress. My stylist made a statement tonight and it screamed, look at me.

My friends followed me out of the limo in awe. I stopped and signed a few autographs for a few people standing nearby. The truth is, my movie had not been released yet but people were enamored by me. I appealed to them, I related to them and, I appreciated the love they had grown for me in this short time.

"This is insane." Christina looked around at the crowd as I signed a few more autographs before walking past the line to the front door.

"Miss Lowe, your booth is ready. Justin will take you and your party up." The bouncer nodded before removing the velvet rope.

Behind me, you could still hear the clicking of pictures and the screams of fans.

"Think they'll tip of the reporters?" Jen screamed over the pounding music.

"Probably, but try not to think about it and just have fun."

As the hours passed, bottle service kept bringing the liquor. Everyone around seemed to be drunk except me and maybe Julia. She was being pretty quiet. My other friends kept trying though. They kept pouring shots and sliding them in my direction.

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