Jessica: Anger.

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"You should consider moving out here Jessica. You would have many more opportunities." Ian stated as he handed me a coffee. "Los Angeles is where the best of the best live."

We were at a small coffee shop along the strip. There were thousands of people walking by. Most were clearly tourist. They stopped in front of every restaurant and peered in. Probably hoping to find someone famous enough to take a picture of. Some noticed me. They waved and stared a bit but Ian had done a very good job positioning my seat away from the passing crowds.

"No. I can't live here Ian."

"Why not?"

"I hate avocados."

Ian shook his head. He always tried his best to remain calm and level headed but I had a nack for annoying him. Although he'd never admit it he loved the push back. Occasionally, when he thought I wasn't looking I would catch him smiling.

"That's your reasoning, avocados?" Ian's voice held a bit of humor.


A few moments passed as we both looked through our phones.

"Are you ready for your first scene? Richard picked a pretty intense section for it."

"I'm ready." I answered flatly.

"Jess, there was some serious tension last week when we met with Richard are you sure you're okay with this?"

"What tension?" I lied. "Of course I'm okay."

Ian looked at me from across our table. His eyes narrowed as he studied me.

"You were with Richard that night of the premiere right? The one at Ryan's place."

For some reason I just sat there and stared at him. My eyes locked on to Ian's and my mouth rendered itself unable to formulate words.

"Jessica did you and Richard..."

"No." I interrupted him. "Don't Ian."

"Okay, I'm sorry."

The very thought of Richard and I together made me sick to my stomach.

"Just leave it."

"I will."

More time passed as we both sat uncomfortably across from each other. My coffee was nearing the end of it life and it was time for us to go to the studio. The set wasn't far from here but I wanted to be early enough for hair and makeup.

"Are you ready?" I asked and Ian looked up from his phone.

"Yes, I'll call the car."

I didn't wait for Ian. I made my way to the street to wait for a the limo. I wanted to clear my head before I saw Richard. Ryan was going to be on set today as well and we haven't spoke since that night. My heart was starting to pound rapidly in my chest and I knew an anxiety attack was going to follow shortly after. My hands typed away on my phone to the one person who I knew would calm me down.

"Chelsea it's Jessica." I sent the text and waited. Moments later I felt my phone vibrate in my hand.

"I know who it is lol. Are you okay?"

I didn't wait to text her back, instead I called her. It was early there and I hoped she wasn't in a meeting or worse in court. My mind was racing so I found myself walking down the street while I waited for her to answer. Three long rings later I heard her voice

"Jessica, is everything okay?"

"I'm freaking out." I raced through my sentence.

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