Chapter Sixty-Five

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It was strange that Lyra's Hogwarts days were basically over. She had just finished her last N.E.W.T.-exam (which was in Transfiguration, so she thought either her or James would best in it) and it was a pretty bitter feeling. 

Because Hogwarts being gone meant so many memories and chances and hopes that she had mostly given up on. She knew her choices had been made, but there was always some sort of hope within her that someone would change them for her. She knew that the moment she walked out of those doors for the last time, it wouldn't ever happen. 

Lucinda was just complaining about the exams. She was always living in the moment, never thinking about the future more than necessary. Lyra really admired and envied her for that, she wished she could stop overthinking. 

"Professor Sprout was such a hardass," the brunette said at dinner, glaring towards the professors' table. "I mean, just because I fainted doesn't mean I don't know Herbology. It's not my fault the earmuffs she gave me didn't protect me from the mandrakes! I'm glad I don't have Transfiguration anymore, though. McGonagall always gave me such horrible marks."

"Transfiguration isn't bad!" Lyra denied, raising her eyebrows at her. Though she knew her friend hadn't always been the best at it. Sometimes, Lyra would do Lucinda's Transfiguration homework if Lucinda did Lyra's Herbology. "I just had my N.E.W.T.-exam in it and I think it was fine."

Lucinda glared at her, though she knew she wasn't actually angry. She was just annoyed at the world because she could exactly go and yell at Professor Sprout. "You only feel like that because you're some sort of Transfiguration genius."

The blonde laughed slightly, but it didn't reach her eyes. Because she truthfully was a bit of a Transfiguration genius, and quite good at several other subjects. But she knew that all her talents and all her hard work would be wasted. 

She was going to be a housewife. Lucius had said it would be absolutely necessary if she wanted to stay out of the Dark Lord's sight. So none of it mattered. It never really had. She didn't have to graduate when she thought about. If she had gone home months ago, nothing in her life would change. 

Lucinda sighed and rested her forehead in her hands as she stuffed a piece of bread in her face. "I really hope I did alright though. If all goes well, then maybe I can actually become a healer like I've always dreamed of."

Lyra smiled softly at her, thinking about how sad it would be not to see her every day. It was also sad that Lucinda, the least ambitious Slytherin she knew, was going to have a brighter future than Lyra, who had been extremely ambitious for years. "I have the utmost faith in you. You're smarter than you think."

Lucinda smiled widely, obviously thankful for the words as she grabbed some meat to put on her plate, obviously hungry after a stressful day. As she turned her attention away, a piece of parchment flew towards the Slytherin table, right in front of Lyra's plate. She frowned, but read it.

Meet me in the Astronomy Tower at midnight. Come alone. It's important. - James

The blonde furrowed her brows in confusion. She looked up towards the Gryffindor table to find him looking at her, trying to act cool, like he didn't care about her. But even from far away, she could see the love in his eyes that he had been trying to hide. 

As he raised an eyebrow at her, she considered her options. If she went, she was scared that she couldn't stay away. It would be the first time they were alone together since the night they broke up. She didn't think she could control herself.

But he said it was important. Maybe he knew something that could help her in her future, or would tell her that something she was doing was more dangerous than she thought. And she did want to see him. Just him taking imitative like that was enough to make her weak in the knees. Merlin, she missed him.

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