Chapter Twenty-Three

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The choosing of N.E.W.T.-level subjects were the most important part of a new sixth-year's schedule. Due to them only finding out their O.W.L. results that summer, the newly minted sixth-years had to hand in their decisions on their classes. 

Of course, Slytherin house's Head was a bit more ambitious and desperate to get his hands on his students and their future achievements, so he had called in a meeting with the sixteen-year-olds in their common room when every other year started their classes. 

Professor Horace Slughorn handed out a piece of parchment to each of them, each holding a list of possible subjects for them to take. All they needed was to cross out which ones they were interested in taking. 

Usually, the Head of House takes all of their students out for private conversations to discuss which classes are available for them considering their results on the O.W.L.s. Lyra, however, knew he was desperate to get as many students to take potions as possible that he wanted them to publicly know how important it was. 

"You can all fill out the form shortly. I just wanted to have a conversation with all of you first," Slughorn smiled brightly at the group of disinterested students. "It is at this moment you make the choices that decide your futures."

He clapped his hands together, making Lucinda jump in surprise. "I want nothing more than for all of you to have the marvelous futures I believe you can all have. That's why I want you to take classes you believe you will excel in, and the classes that will put you on the path you want to be on."

"But the one subject you really should all take, because most of you have achieved Exceeds Expectations on your O.W.L.s," he giggled to himself as several people whispered about completely different things. "It would be great if you all take Potions during the next two years."

"It will teach you unimaginable skills now that we move into more advanced territory. Not to mention, a good N.E.W.T.-result in Potions really does spruce up your chances at getting a job, no matter what you apply for." Slughorn still hadn't noticed how nobody paid attention. 

Lyra did, though. It was mostly because she was afraid he would notice if she didn't, and that wouldn't make her Slug Club material. Lucinda was trying to whisper something to her about the new robes she bought a few days ago, but she sent her a stern look, telling her to shut up.

Lucinda crossed her arms, pouting. She glanced towards Rabastan, who didn't even think to look at her. Once she noticed this, Lyra sighed. That meant Rabastan was the big object of Lucinda's affection for the year. 

Not that she minded. Her school-girl crush on Rabastan had ended the moment they went off to summer break, and not a moment too soon. That didn't mean she wanted to hear Lucinda babble on about how attractive he was, which she had heard about basically every other boy in their year already. 

"I will be taking each one of you out to speak about your choices, so you can start to fill out the form now," the Potions Master said and glanced around the room, looking for who he was going to pull out first. "How about we go in alphabetical order? Mr. Avery, if you would?"

As Avery followed Slughorn out to a nearby room, Lyra knew she was next. So she quickly glanced down at the paper holding all the classes she had already taken and a reminder of the results she got on the O.W.L.s. All she needed to do was to put an X by the ones she wanted to continue with.

Lyra Cassiopeia Black - N.E.W.T.-level subjects
Defense Against the Dark Arts (E) X
Potions (O) X
Transfiguration (O) X
History of Magic (E) X
Astronomy (E) X
Herbology (P)
Charms (O) X
Arithmancy (O) X
Ancient Runes (O) X
Care of Magical Creatures (A)

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