Chapter Forty-One

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March 27th 1977 had approached quickly. For many it was just any other day, in the middle of the school year. Post Christmas, before summer. Completely boring and ordinary for the general population.

But not for James Potter. March 27th 1977 was for him the day every young wizard dreams of. His seventeenth birthday, the day he was an official adult wizard, who could use magic outside of school. He was also happy it was on a Sunday, because that meant he didn't have to waste his time going to class.

The only issue was that Lyra didn't feel like she could walk up to him and make a big spectacle out of it. They weren't supposed to be whatever they were, and that meant that nobody could find out. They couldn't exactly snog each other's faces off at breakfast just because it was James's birthday.

Of course, Lyra and James had spent more time together since their date, when they had both agreed to be... something. But the only times they saw each other were in broom closets, forbidden corridors, empty classroom and the one time Peter snuck her into Gryffindor Tower.

But just because she couldn't talk to him, didn't mean she couldn't watch him from the Slytherin table. He was surrounded by people, more than usual. Gryffindors, Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws alike congratulated him. He didn't mind the attention.

But the attention he loved most was hers. As he felt her eyes on him, he turned his head to meet her gaze. He quickly winked at her. Lyra couldn't fight a smile, but she attempted to keep it as small as possible so nobody would notice.

It took a few moments before she realized that somebody had been calling out her name. She forced herself out of her trance and turned to Rabastan, who looked annoyed. "I'm sorry, what were you saying?"

"Well, I was just asking if you're going home for Easter?" he asked, still wondering where her mind had wandered off to. He hadn't ever seen her be so lost and dazed.

Lyra didn't want to. But she couldn't admit that if Bellatrix and Rodolphus were going to be there, home was the last place she wanted to be. She was trying to keep herself from Death Eater recruitment still. "I don't know yet. You?"

"I'm going either way," he responded, taking a quick bite of his toast. "Actually, I've gotten a task to complete during the break. I'm not quite sure what it is yet. I'll find out when I get home, I suppose."

Lyra shrugged, not wanting to hear any more information. She knew there was no keeping Rabastan away from that life, but she could still protect herself. That was when she noticed an owl flying towards her. Her mother's.

The owl landed in front of her, dropping of a letter addressed to her with her mother's neat handwriting. The owl didn't wait for treats or payment, only leaning over to grab some bacon off her plate before flying away. Lyra frowned at this. She had wanted her bacon, but she supposed she should read the letter anyway.

Our dearest daughter, Lyra.

We sincerely hope this letter finds you well. We are pleased to hear that your studies are going well, and we have as high hopes for your end-of-year exams this year as we have every year, for we know just how brilliant you are.

Also, we do wish for you to come back for the Easter break. With you being at school for the Christmas holidays, we haven't seen you since summer. The celebrations won't be very big. Bellatrix and her husband are away on important business, while Narcissa and Marcus will be spending time with Hector's family. Your Uncle Alphard will be coming by for a visit, and he has missed you so. Orion, Walburga and Regulus might stop by if they have the time. Send us an owl with your response quickly.

Much love,
Mum and dad.

Lyra felt relieved. While she had missed her family dearly, her fear of being recruited by Death Eaters outweighed it. She was happy to get the opportunity to see her parents without it looming over her. "Looks like I'll be going home after all."

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