Chapter Fourteen

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Lyra had never considered herself unpopular, or someone who lacked friends. Everything about her guaranteed she would be surrounded by loyal companions. Her beauty, her brains, her wit, her kindness and last, but far from least, her pure blood, matched by none.

Still, there was always some sort of loneliness that surrounded her. The feeling that nobody around her understood her, or were friends with her because they truly liked her for who she was, not for her last name. 

Rabastan Lestrange was a breath of fresh air. He didn't have to be her friend, he had made that very clear for all the years they had known each other. He could have kept himself her acquaintances who only spoke together when they had group projects or in group settings.

Instead, he had found himself able to become a true friend for Lyra. When they returned home from the Christmas holiday, they sat together in a compartment, alone, the whole trip and talked, bonding in a way Lyra had never experienced. 

It was still a bloody shame their siblings were married, because Lyra would have married him in a heartbeat. 

He made laugh, he made her smile. They had intelligent conversations she didn't believe most of their year were able to have. Lyra couldn't believe she had overlooked him for so many years, when he had already weasled his way into being one of her favorite friends.

Even during the feast in the Great Hall, they had so much to talk about. They never stopped chatting with each other, even when several others tried to enter their conversations. People were jealous, and they were angry, but they didn't dare say anything in such a public place. 

They ignored the strange stares from their housemates. Rabastan didn't even notice the glares and hatred radiating of a group of Gryffindor boys, who didn't seem to appreciate their newfound friendship.

Once they found themselves back in the common room, they were deep in conversation when Lucinda had tried to join in. Lyra didn't even notice her speaking to them, and Rabastan chose to ignore her. 

They were closed off from the outside world until the sharp voice of Evan Rosier shattered the wall they had built. "Don't bother, Talkalot. She's trying to seduce yet another man. It's what whores like her do."

Lyra didn't even have time to react before Rabastan had raised his wand and pointed it to the other Slytherin boy, cursing him. "Slugulus Eructo!"

Within moments, Evan Rosier had collapsed, vomiting hoards of slugs all over himself. Usually, when people cast such curses, others would laugh. But when Rabastan did, they all stared, as if frightened a movement would make him turn his wand on them. 

Lyra gasped, and was about to run over to Evan, thinking that not even he deserved to be covered in his own slug-infested vomit for hours. But Rabastan held her arm, keeping her next to him on the couch. 

He smirked and looked into her eyes. "Don't worry, Lyra. Now that we're friends, people will know better than to mess with you."

Lyra gulped and nodded, both thankful for him defending her and a bit freaked at the lengths he would go to. 


Lyra had finally gotten to the girls' dorms with her trunk, happy to finally talk to some of her girl friends again after missing them during a Christmas holiday that felt like it had lasted forever, even if she knew she had to hurry. She had plans that night. 

"Emma!" Lyra grinned, happy to see the seventh-year prefect. She always considered her to be one of her few true friends. "It's really good to see you. How was your holiday? Was your brother annoying again?"

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