Not This Way - Reylo

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Rey stood opposite Ben with her eyes wide. She wore completely black clothes and held in her hand a double bladed red lightsaber. Heavy bags rested under her eyes, suggesting that she hadn't slept much lately.

"Rey..." Ben said softly, taking a step towards her.

She backed away. Her voice was panicked. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to help you."

He continued walking towards her, pushing Rey farther back as she retreated. "Stop! I don't need help."

"This isn't like you." Sensing her fear, he stood still and shook his head. "What happened?"

Tears pricked Rey's eyes. "You're not supposed to be here. I'm supposed to do this alone."

"Do what alone?" He reached a hand out to her and stopped when she flinched. "Rey... don't you trust me?"

"He said terrible things, Ben." She couldn't meet his eyes as she shook her head. "He said... he said..." Words failing her, sobs took over her body.

Ben's face darkened as understanding dawned on him. Rey had met the Emperor. His voice was a near whisper, "What did he say to you?"

She continued to shake her head. It took all of Ben's willpower to not go to her side and wrap her up in his arms. Her grip on her saber never weakened, though, and he didn't want to do anything to upset her further in this volatile state.

"He said this was the only way," she said finally. "I have to do this. I have to." She forced herself to meet Ben's eyes, pleading with him to understand.

"You don't have to do anything you don't want to."

Her face twisted in anguish. "No! I thought you of all people would understand. I don't have a choice..."

"I understand. I understand more than you know. I've stood where you are, and I know how you feel. But I promise that whatever he told you is not the only way. You don't have to do this alone. I can help you," he said, slowly taking another step towards her.

"Stay away from me!" she screamed, raising her saber a fraction. "You don't know what he showed me. What I saw. I can't lose everyone. I can't lose you." She stared into his eyes and repeated, "I can't lose you. So I need you to let me go."

"And I can't lose you," he said, his hand slowly reaching for his own saber. "So I can't let you do this."

Had they not been connected through the force, Rey would've killed him instantly when she lunged forward. Ben sensed the move coming, though, and was able to twist out of the way, raising his blade to parry hers.

"Let me go!" she screamed, her voice sounding hoarse.

As the stared at each other across their locked blades, the dark side completely consumed her. Ben watched in horror as her eyes turned yellow like the Sith from long ago. This was no longer the Rey he knew.

She snarled, pulling her blade away only to attack with a series of increasingly violent strokes. Panic mounted in Ben. He threw himself into the fight, needing to defend himself and also desperate to not harm Rey.

Evenly matched in all regards and inside each others' heads, the fight could've gone on forever. Both obtained a variety of minor cuts and scrapes. Eventually, Rey reached up a hand, causing the roof of the cave to crumble around them. As they fought, Ben slipped backwards on the rubble, falling to the ground, his lightsaber flying across the cave. Rey lifted her saber in what should've been the killing stroke, but he raised a hand, using the force to completely still her.

She grunted as he stood slowly, straining with the effort of not letting her move.

"This isn't you, Rey," he said, panting for air. "Come back to me."

"You don't know me," she growled, her body shaking as she fought against his control.

Mindless of the saber she had raised, Ben stepped closer to her so that he could reach out and place a hand on her cheek. If she had control of herself she would've jerked away; he could see it in her eyes. But he closed all space between them so he could feel her breath against his face. He was desperate, and this was his last chance to connect with her, to bring her back from the brink.

"I do know you," he said, pouring all his emotions and memories towards her through their bond. "And I intend to save you just like you saved me. Because I love you, Rey. I love you."

Something shifted in her eyes. Breathing a sigh of relief, he relaxed his hold on her to place a gentle kiss on her lips.

But the darkness hadn't left her yet.

With a simple twist of her wrist, her saber plunged into Ben's back and through his chest.

He pulled away with a shuddering gasp. As he fell to his knees, the yellow at last drained from Rey's eyes. She stared in horror at what she'd done, and her saber fell from her grasp.

"No... No, NO!" she screamed as she dropped to the ground beside him. One hand went to his face while another went to his chest and the dark wound she'd inflicted. "No.... no..."

"Rey..." he said, his energy leaving him with every passing second. He held her gently too, pushing her hair out of her face as tears fell freely from her eyes.

"It wasn't supposed to be this way," she choked out. "I was supposed to save you." She gripped the front of his shirt tightly as if she could be his anchor to life.

"You did save me," he said, managing to smile through the pain. "Tell my mother... I'm sorry."

"No..." Rey shook her head like her denial could stop what was happening. "You can't leave me. Not like this... Not because I..."

"Rey..." He wiped away her tears. "I still love you..."

Rey couldn't even bring herself to say the words back as her sobs intensified. His breathing slowed, and when his hand finally slipped from her face, she let out a gut-wrenching scream. She bent over, clutching his body, wishing her tears could somehow bring him back.

But Ben Solo was gone. And there was no way to raise the dead.

The darkness had taken over her. And in turn, it took everything from her.

Are you guys crying? Cause I'm crying. I absolutely do not think anything like this is going to happen in the next movie but I couldn't resist the urge to write a little bit of angst after seeing the latest trailer.

And guys! This book has reached 5K readers! Thank you SO much to everyone who has read this far. And a special thank you to everyone who votes and comments. You guys are the reason I keep doing what I'm doing.

I know it may seem like I can only write Reylo but I promise that's not the case. If you guys have special requests or ideas, please let me know! I love to work on requests. Just leave a comment or shoot me a message and I'll get on it.

Special announcement! I am in the process of developing a new book that I think you guys will enjoy. If you're a fan of Heathers: The Musical or if you have no idea what that is but you'd like to read a fun Reylo AU, then be on the look out for a new book from me.

That's all for now!  I hope you enjoyed it!

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