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I'm going to stop labeling these with spoilers

At this point, I'm assuming you've all seen Last Jedi.

If not,

Too bad.

If you haven't seen the movie, read with caution.

Otherwise, enjoy.

Ben couldn't stop thinking about her. She was always there in the back of his mind, and it drove him crazy. No matter the time of day, he was constantly aware of her feelings in the vaguest of sense. And then there were moments when the force connected them and he actually got to see her. Rey. His heart pounded just thinking about her. But he couldn't figure out how to initiate their connection. It was more than simply wanting to see her. Sometimes she showed up when he wanted nothing more than to see her. At that moment, though, he needed her, needed the light she'd bring to save him momentarily from the darkness.

Right on cue, Rey appeared sitting beside him. She was breathing heavily and her cheeks were flushed as she focused on something in front of her. Her hands moved rapidly, messing with buttons and levers Ben couldn't see. She yelped and threw her hands up to block her face.

"Are you alright?" Ben asked, eyes wide.

Rey jumped at the sound of his voice and glanced over at him quickly. "What are you doing here? Oh right, force thingy. I've been... I've been better."

"Where are you? What are you doing?"

"Can't tell you," Rey shook her head. "On a mission for the Resistance."

"You're flying a ship." Ben raised an eyebrow. "And you're in danger, yet you won't tell me where you are?"

"It's not like you could do much to help me." 

She screamed and fell backwards out of her seat. Ben instinctively reached out a hand to steady her and took in a sharp breath as he touched her shoulder.

"You're in the Falcon," he said slowly.

Rey's eyes widened as she looked to him. "Can you see it?"

"Yes, and you're..." His voice hardened. "You're on Jakku."

"I suppose I can tell you since you already know," Rey sighed as she maneuvered the ship to avoid blaster bolts from Tie Fighters. "Leia was informed that more Ties and stormtroopers were gathering here, so she sent me and Finn to scope it out. We're having difficulties as you can see."

"She sent you to Jakku." Ben's voice was cold as he stared out at he desert planet in front of him.

Rey blinked in confusion. "Yes."

"Doesn't she know your history with Jakku? Did she even think about what coming back would do to you?"

"Well, yes," Rey said, pushing hair out of her face. "She thought this trip would give me closure." She grunted and turned the ship on its side to dodge more fighters. "I appreciate the concern, but right now I'm a bit more worried about getting out alive."

"I'll help you."

When Ben moved his hand away from Rey's shoulder, though, he was taken back to his room. He looked over quickly furious at the connection for ending, but he could still see Rey. With narrowed eyes, he hesitantly reached out and rested a hand on her arm. Instantly, he was back in the Falcon, sitting in the co-pilot chair as she flew.

"It appears we have to be touching for me to be able to see where you are."

"If you can help, I don't care what you have to do."

Ben's eyes swept over the Falcon's console, and he swallowed the wave of sorrow that threatened to overtake him. He hadn't been on this ship in so long, but he could reminisce later. Right now he had a job to do.

"Right." With his free hand, Ben set to work. "We need to jump to hyperspace."

"Are you crazy?" Rey's eyes grew ten times there normal size. "We're on the ground level. We can't just do that!"

"We only need a little more altitude to be able to." He frowned as memories went through his head. "I know this ship better than you."

"Ben..." Rey warned.

"Trust me." He met her eyes. "This will work."

She nodded slowly. "I trust you."

She was nowhere near close to leaving the planet's atmosphere when he sent them speeding into hyperspace. An eerie silence filled the cockpit as the worries of the battle were left behind. Rey let out a sigh of relief and sank back into her chair.

She smiled over at Ben. "That actually worked."

He nodded. "I told you it would."

They turned, hearing footsteps running through the ship towards them. Finn burst into the cockpit with a wide grin.

"Rey, that was incredible," he said. "How did you know that would work?"

Ben retracted his hand as she stood up, and while the surroundings changed, Rey didn't. Her eyes flicked over to Ben with the trace of a smile as she said, "I just had a feeling."

Author's Note: Hey guys, I really hope you're enjoying the stories! I have so many ideas for Reylo oneshots that it's not even funny. Some will just be silly and cute, but a few of the stories will build on each other. Like the fact that they have to touch to see each others surroundings will be relevant later. I'm not sure if that's true or not, but I'm going to pretend it is. Well, that's all for now. Thanks for reading!

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