Meeting Up - Reylo

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The Force was unpredictable. Sometimes is opened the connection between Rey and Ben for hours on end; sometimes only mere minutes. Sometimes they spoke within hours of the last connection; sometimes there were days in between. But never had they gone three weeks without communication. By the end of the first week, Rey was nervous but convinced herself there was no reason to be. After two weeks, she was anxious, nervously pacing around when she had no way to occupy her time. Three weeks left her a nervous wreck, making her sick to her stomach she was so concerned about Ben.

When he finally appeared standing before her, she immediately dropped what she was doing to run to Ben and throw her arms around him. Tears pricked her eyes as she buried her face in his neck, holding on tightly, desperate to keep him for as long as possible this time. His arms wrapped around her, holding her as close as he could. He leaned his head into her as well, her hair muffling his voice as he murmured her name.

Tears streamed Rey's face when she finally pulled back enough to meet his eyes. Her voice was a whisper. "I was so scared. I thought you were hurt or..." She choked on her words.

"Well I'm not," he whispered, stroking her hair. "I'm right here. And I'm safe."

"I need to see you," she said desperately, her eyes widening.

The corners of Ben's lips twitched upwards. "You can see me."

She shook her head, her hands moving to cup his face. "No, I need to see you. Not whatever the force is showing me. I want you to be beside me without me having to wonder if you're going to disappear on me at any moment."

He furrowed his brow. "I can't come to you. And you've already stated that you won't come to me."

"Then we'll meet somewhere else." Rey pulled out of his embrace completely so she could pace. "We'll both sneak off, tell no one where we're going." Her eyes lit up. "No Resistance, no First Order, no sides. Just us. For a little while at least."

Ben had begun nodding as she spoke. "But where though?"

Rey bit her lip. "Ach-To. The planet where Luke hid. It's secluded, and no one would think to look for us there. Because no one knows where it is."

"When can you leave?"

"Within the hour."

The hints of a grin showed on Ben's face. "Send me the coordinates, and I'll meet you there."


Rey sat with her legs dangling off the edge of a cliff. She hadn't been able to bring the Falcon - Leia had sent Poe on a mission with it - but she'd borrowed an X-wing and R2. They were parked over by the huts, but Rey had quickly grown bored and gone to explore. She knew every inch of this island from her time with Luke, though, so she resorted to staring off at the sky. The longer she waited, the more doubt crept into her mind.

Coming here was a mistake. Rey was just a minor part of the Resistance. Ben... he ran the freaking First Order. There was no way he'd be able to escape without anyone noticing. He probably wouldn't come.

What if he didn't want to come...?

Rey's chest tightened at the thought. She cared so much about him, but what if it wasn't real to him? What if she was only a game to him? What if he only put up with her because the force required him to? What if...

Rey sat on her hands to keep them from shaking. Her instincts screamed at her to go back to her X-wing and fly away. She couldn't give up hope so soon, though. She had to believe he was coming. He'd just been delayed, or perhaps he was coming from much farther away than she had, or maybe...

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