As Your Eyes

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Soul mate AU where you can't see the color of your soul mate's eyes until you meet

Sabine threw the boy out of her chair. Who did he think he was trying to steal her gunner position? She sneered down at him as he gaped in wonder. Taking off her mask, she felt her heart skip a beat, realizing why he looked so shocked. She could now see vivid violet, the color of his eyes.

"This can't be happening," she muttered.

"Sure looks like it is," the kid smiled.

Sabine's insides wriggled and she felt like vomiting. This boy, this kid, could not be her soul mate.

"Sabine!" Hera yelled from the cockpit. "I could really use some cover!"

Snapping out of it, she quickly sat her helmet on the back of her chair and shot at incoming Tie Fighters. The boy came up behind her and leaned against her seat. Sabine locked her jaw, trying to ignore his presence; she had a job to focus on.

"Hi," he said finally. "My name's Ezra. What's yours?"

Sabine rolled her eyes and didn't waste breath answering.

She heard the kid yelp, and she smiled as she heard a voice say, "My name's Zeb, you Loth Rat."

Sabine could always count on Zeb to get her out a sticky situation.

Hera's voice called. "Calculations complete, but I need an opening."

"Found one!" Sabine yelled blasting the Tie right in front of her.

Almost instantly the ship made the jump to hyperspace, leaving behind the battle. An eerie silence settled upon the ship

Taking a deep breath, Sabine steeled her nerves before standing to face the boy who Zeb was holding in the air by the collar.

Sabine nodded. "I got this, Zeb."

He glared at the kid. "You sure?"

The boy's wide eyes pleaded with her, and Sabine sighed. "I'm sure."

The Lasat nodded and dropped the kid, letting fall face first on the floor. Sabine covered her face with her hands. This had to all be a dream. She'd just pinch herself to wake up, and there would be no boy on the ship; there would be no soul mate. He stood back up, and Sabine crossed her arms as she stared at him.

"So, kid," she said slowly.

"Ezra," he corrected.

"Whatever. I'm warning you, don't get any ideas."

Ezra's jaw dropped. "You want me to just ignore that?"

Sabine shrugged. "As far as I'm concerned, nothing happened."

"Come on," he said. "That was the Force's way of pushing us together."

"The Force doesn't control my life!" She snapped. "I'm no Jedi. I should be allowed to make my own decisions, and you are not who I choose."

"Give me a chance."

Sabine hated that her heart sped up whenever she looked into his violet eyes. "No! For one thing, you're like twelve."

"Fourteen." Crossing his arms, Ezra  narrowed his eyes.

"That doesn't change the fact that I'm sixteen and too old for you."

"What's got to happen to change your mind?" Ezra said. "Isn't the Force proof enough for you?"

Sabine laughed. "I don't believe in the Force, kid. Prove it's real, and then we can talk."

She pushed past him to make her way to her room, completely unaware that Ezra would in fact prove the Force's existence the same day. They had a long way to go before she'd consider romance, though, but maybe one day, she'd let herself fall for those violet eyes. One day.

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