First Words

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   Soulmate AU where the first words your soulmate says to you are tattooed on your wrist   

"Looks like you managed to cut off our only escape route."

Han Solo had been in his fair share of rough spots. It was a smuggler's life after all. And there'd been plenty of times when he had to use a different escape route than planned because he did something stupid. But never had anyone said those words to him. Not that there was anything he could do about it. So Han didn't waste much time thinking about supposed soul mates and continued to smuggle, and in the mean time, he knew plenty of beautiful women, even if the words on their wrists weren't the right ones.

"Maybe you'd like it better back in your cell, Your Highness."

It was all Leia could think about since Darth Vader's ship began following hers. And then he came on board and took her hostage. He blew up Alderaan, which she still was in denial about, and now she was here... in a cell...

It wasn't the most ideal circumstances to meet your true love. Would her soul mate be an Imperial or a member of the Rebellion come to her rescue? First things first, though. She needed to get out of the cell before she could meet anyone.

Before too long, a boy who introduced himself as Luke Skywalker opened her cell disguised as a stormtrooper. Leia held her breath when he first took off the mask, but the words he spoke were not the ones of her soul mate.

They hurried down the hallway only to have another man run towards them. The same as Luke, he wore a stormtrooper outfit minus the helmet. He was tall with messy brown hair. Leia felt her heart pound. She'd made it out of her prison and it couldn't be too long before her met the one.

"Han, what's going on that way?" Luke asked.

"We're not getting out that way," the man, Han replied.

In the distance, Leia saw actual stormtroopers heading towards them. She snapped, "Looks like you managed to cut off our only escape route."

"Maybe you'd like it better back in your cell, Your Highness," Han snarked back. 

Both of them froze as they processed the words they heard. Leia's eyes were wide with shock, and she felt her heart leap into her throat. Han, on the other hand, looked quite smug.

"A princess, huh. Looks I do pretty well for myself."

"I..." Leia said, uncharacteristically at a loss for words. "You and me..."

Luke spoke up. "Guys, we need to -"

Right on cue, stormtroopers began firing on them. Leia grabbed onto Han's arm as they tried to shield themselves from the blaster bolts. Romance could wait til later. If they survived, they could a nice long talk about their future, but first they needed to find a way off of the Death Star.

"The name's Han Solo," he said as he tried to fire back.

Leia frowned as he missed most of his shots. "Leia. And it looks like I'm the one who's going to have to save our skins." She wrenched the blaster out of his hands and fired on the stormtroopers before turning and running down the hallway. "Follow me!"

Han smiled as he and Luke ran after.

"You were right, kid," Han said. "I did end up liking her after all."

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