First Order Meeting - Reylo

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Bored half to death, Rey confined herself to her quarters on Base. With Poe out on a mission and Finn spending all his time with Rose, Rey was left with nothing to occupy her time. Not even Leia had any work she needed done. Rey had gone out and trained that morning, leaving her with aching muscles and the desire to do something not as strenuous. Sighing, she sat on her bed and flipped through some of the Jedi texts. It wasn't long before she felt a familiar presence appear. She threw the book back down on her desk and smiled as she looked to Ben.

"You have no idea how happy I am to see you. I'm dying of boredom."

No response.

Ben's eyes flicked to her momentarily and then went back in front of him.

Rey scrunched her eyebrows together as she stood up. "Are you ignoring me?"

Still no answer. He didn't even look at her this time.

"Ben Solo, it is rude to ignore people."


With a huff, Rey walked to his side and placed a hand on his shoulder, wondering what could possibly be capturing his attention. Instantly, she was transported to a giant meeting hall where hundreds, if not thousands, of First Order officials has gather. Rey took in a sharp breath as her eyes swept the room, taking in General Hux who was presenting information to the group.

A smile took over Rey's face as she looked back to Ben who was trying to focus on the meeting. "Oh this is going to be fun."

Keeping a hand on him at all times, Rey paced around his seat, trying to think of the best way to distract him.  After a moment, she decided to sit on the chair, spreading out across Ben's lap and hooking her arms around his neck. His eyes widened slightly, but that was the only reaction he gave.

"You know, I've really missed you," Rey said, trying to make her eyes sad. "We barely see each other nowadays." Unconsciously, she ran her hands through his hair that fell at the back of his neck. "And now I do see you, and you're completely ignoring me." She frowned. "Is the First Order really more important than me?" She sat up straight, bring her face closer to his. "We could leave this meeting, and do something. Just you and me."

Ben was immovable, though, keeping his eyes locked firmly on Hux the whole time. Rey sighed and stood up. She needed a new strategy.

"I get it. I really do. You're bored of me. I understand. How could you still care so much about me if we never really see each other, just when the Force wants us to? I grew bored of you a long time ago. It was just entertaining to see that you still cared about me."

Rey sneaked a look at Ben. Still no response. She pressed on.

"I mean, there are tons of Resistance pilots willing to throw themselves at me. I'm something of a hero with them. And there is this one..." Rey couldn't help but smile. "Poe Dameron. He's the best pilot in the Resistance if you didn't know." She paused and smirked. "He's even better than you."

Ben's eyes narrowed slightly, and he shifted his jaw. Finally! Rey was getting somewhere.

"He's really something else. He's kind, compassionate, and he just understands me."

Ben clenched his fists by his side.

"I've been spending almost all my time with Poe lately. When he's not on missions that is. I'm so worried about him. I can't wait for him to be back because I just..." Rey sighed, putting a hand on her stomach. "I just don't know how to tell him he's going to be a father."

"WHAT?!" Ben yelled, sitting up straight in his seat.

Rey doubled over in laughter as every eye in the meeting room turned to Ben in confusion.

The tips of his eyes turned red, and he cleared his throat. "I misheard you, General." He waved a hand. "Proceed."

Rey couldn't stop laughing as Hux rolled his eyes and continued with a sneer.

Ben leaned back in his seat and, barely moving his lips, whispered, "You were making that all up, weren't you?"

"Of course." Rey laughed so hard she had to wipe tears from her eyes. "Poe's a great guy, but I could never like him in that way."

"Good," Ben grumbled, crossing his arms.

As the meeting continued, Rey stood behind Ben, playing with his hair absentmindedly and not paying much attention to what was being said. She only looked up towards Hux when he addressed Ben directly.

"Supreme Leader," he said in his nasally voice. "We have located four possible options for where the Resistance Base may be if they continued their pattern of reusing old Rebel bases. Hoth, Dantooine, Yavin 4, and Talrezan Four. Do you have any input as to where we should start our search?"

Rey leaned down so that her lips were right next to Ben's ear and said softly, "Think very carefully about how you answer that question."

Ben took a moment to think, then said, "Begin with Dantooine. Only investigate one planet at a time. We don't want to spread our fleet too thin."

Hux nodded. "Of course."

He continued rambling on, but Rey ceased listening and let out a sigh of relief. They were safe for now.

Once the meeting was over and the room emptied of officials, Ben stood and actually looked at Rey for the first time. She couldn't help but smile.

"You didn't give us up."

Ben scrunched his eyebrows together. "Did you expect me to?"

"I mean, you're leading the First Order. And you guys are pretty committed to destroying us."

"I would never destroy you."

Rey's smile was sad. "It'll come to a fight eventually. What happens when they decide to search Yavin 4?"

Ben stepped close to her. "I'll protect you."

"I'll hold you to that." She sighed and stepped back, releasing her hold on him, letting her surroundings shift back to her bedroom. An antagonistic smirk took her face. "Although, I may not need you to protect me. I'm friends with the best pilot in the Resistance after all."

Ben groaned. "Please don't talk about him."

"Are you jealous?" Rey perked up an eyebrow.

Ben rolled his eyes. "I just don't want to hear about a guy who wants me dead."

Rey smiled unconvinced. "If you say so."

Their connection faded, but Rey was still left with a smile on her face. He could say what he wanted, but the fact that he wouldn't give up the Resistance had less to do with her and more to do with the fact that the man she was connected with was becoming wholly Ben Solo. It was only a matter of time before he joined her side completely.

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