
“Yeah; around your apartment.” Ed teased and Liam hit his arm lightly. “Moving on to more interesting matters; who is this beauty?” Ed turned to Niall with curious eyes.

“Ed, this is Niall.” Liam introduced him.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Niall.” Ed picked up Niall’s hand and kissed the backside of his palm.

“Um…” Niall caught Liam’s eyes with his own confused and almost a bit scared ones.

“Ignore him; he’s just weird.” Liam said and Ed chuckled.

“Okay, now that we all know each other; are you ready to order?” Ed asked and God, did this guy ever stop grinning?!

When Niall and Liam had ordered and Ed had disappeared, Liam looked a bit embarrassed.

“Sorry about that, Ed can be a bit much sometimes.”

“It’s okay, I don’t mind.” Niall smiled and Liam returned it.

“I got you something.” Liam said suddenly and Niall’s eyebrow flew up in surprise.

“You did?” He had to admit that this was a bit creepy…

“Don’t look so freaked out, it’s not like that.” Liam assured Niall before he reached into his backpack and took out a white can with a rainbow painted on it. Niall raised an eyebrow suspiciously. “It’s vitamins.” Liam explained and opened the lid to show Niall the pink pills inside. “It might stop your hair from falling off.” He added, then closed the can again and put it down in front of Niall.

“Really? Wow, thanks!” Niall picked up the can and examined it. “Children’s Chewable? Liam, this is for kids…”

“I know, I used to eat them as a child, but that doesn’t mean that they are less effective. Besides, they taste pretty good.”

“Thank you Liam, really, you didn’t have to.” Without thinking about it, Niall reached over the table and put his hand over Liam’s. He was surprised by his own action, it had been pure instinct, and he expected Liam to pull his hand away. But he didn’t. Well, not until Ed arrived with their food and he winked at Niall before leaving them alone.

“Is he…?” Niall pointed in the direction that Ed had disappeared.

“No, he just likes to flirt with guys to make them uncomfortable. He thinks it’s funny, I don’t understand why thought…” Liam rolled his eyes and Niall nodded.

They ate their lunch while engaging in various conversations and it was probably the best lunch Niall had been on in months – hell, years!

“Guess where we are going?” Liam said when they exited the grill and started to walk down the pavement together.

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