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QOTD: Do you guys read the One Piece manga? So I know if I should keep to stuff only known to anime watchers.

Also, I wanted to do something really special for everyone who votes and comments on my works and isn't a ghost reader, what're you guys interested in seeing/getting? Maybe super special mini-stories (5-ish chs long) or something? Or choosing what should happen in a book? Lemme know!


You remember falling for a long while as your consciousness trickles in. Voices fade in and out as you try to wake up enough to open your eyes. You're not sure how long that takes, but it feels like hours in the darkness of your slow return to consciousness. It almost feels like de ja vu, but not quite. Instead of the clean pristine room from before, the place was filthy.

Grime and dust and a bunch of other things you couldn't quite make out had found its way on the walls, floor, ceiling, and furniture. The dim, yellow stained light looked dirty, too. The door opened, surprisingly smoothly without the high pitched creak you figured would sound.

"Law?" you murmured, trying to sit up. "Where am I?"

He huffed, heading to your bedside. "You're hurt, don't push yourself."

"That," you said, stumbling and partially falling, "is not an answer to my question."

He rolls his eyes as he helps you sit up, propping a pillow between the wall and your back.

"No, it isn't. It's also not the most important right now. How do you feel? Nauseous? Headaches? Lack of breath?" he lists, checking your temperature with the back of his hand.

"Not really, I'm fine. I mean, I feel really sore."

He raises an eyebrow and texts something. "Are you sure?"

You nod. "Yeah, honestly I feel even better than before."

The door swings open quickly, Kid, Sabo, Zoro, and Killer entering.

You gasp. "Zoro, what happened?" Blood stains his white shirt and light green hoodie tied around his waist.

He shrugs. "Not mine. Anyway, we'd better get you collected, grab Hawkeyes, and get out."

You blink. "Why does the name sound familiar?"

"He's a Shichibukai at our school. Barely is around, though. Usually bounty hunting in the Grand Line," Sabo says. "He's our ticket out, and he already agreed to help, since he's going back soon anyway. How are you feeling, though?"

"'Better than before,'" Law quotes.

You hum. "Not that much better, I think I phrased that wrong. Each of my limbs feel like a spaghetto attached to a soggy breadstick."

The group shares a look of confusion, then maybe just a slight bit of worry.

An awkward pause fills the air before Zoro speaks up. "Spaghetto. I think this place is making her crazy already."

"It's a single spaghetti!" you insist.

"If only it was really getting to her, then that would've been a little less..." Law clears his throat before continuing, "Anyway, it's a good thing she's fine. We have to get out of here soon. It's nearing the two day mark in real life," though," Law says. "The time's changing again soon."

Kid huffs. "I thought it wasn't changing for another three days?"

"It is, but also tomorrow. Tomorrow's a day a week, in three days is a week an hour."

"What?" you mumble, confused.

Zoro groans. "What a pain. Tora," he calls, and his tiger forms.

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