5.4 part 1

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Drake's fight is close, much to your surprise. Even though you don't know the teams, you know how strong Drake is, and you've seen the abilities of his teammates.

But they eventually win, leading into the next fight as the arena is fixed from their battle.

'The next fight is Team 58: (Y/N), Perona, Carrot, and Nami versus Team 19: Koala, Hack, Lindbergh, and Karasu.'

You look around for the team you're facing against, keeping an eye out for others getting ready to enter the arena. You spot the group as you get in your own.

A girl, maybe a second year, with short, orange hair, a short boy with a bunch of gadgets on his vest and a top hat, and two much taller boys, one wearing all black with some beak mask on and the other has light blue hair and spotty skin.

"Hey." You hum and turn for a moment, letting the three move on a little before you. "Good luck."

You smile at the much taller boy. "Thanks, Kid. I'll see you after I win!"

He snorts. "Don't talk all big for your size."

You laugh. "You're just tall. See you later." You wave and jog lightly to catch up with your team.

You fiddle anxiously as you near the entrance to the arena.

"Nervous?" Perona guesses.

"Just a little..." You chuckle sheepishly as you face the large gate. "And by a little, I mean a lot," you add quietly.

The announcers voice comes on, starting out with introducing the opposing team. They walk out into the arena on the opposite end, and a few seconds later, the gate in front of you lifts.

"Facing Team 58!" You block out his loud voice as you focus on taking deep breaths and strategising. You let Amyr out and he finds a place hidden in your hair on your shoulder.

Perona taps you on the shoulder, bringing you back to the present. You blink a few times, and she mutters a small plan in your ear. You glance towards Nami and Carrot, who smile and nod.

You return with a lopsided grin as the announcer counts down.


Nami's lightning bird shoots out of her seal and flies high, collecting storm clouds, darkening the arena and showering the main arena with heavy rain, making sure to avoid the stands.

One of the opponents, the one in all black, sends out his giant crow familiar to the sky, which bursts into a bunch of smaller ones to attack Nami's familiar.

Perona grabs you, Nami, and Carrot, giving all of you ghostly properties for a moment as Penga, Nami's familiar, cracks down harsh lightning, destroying the base of the arena in blinding strikes.

"I can't support for any longer!" Perona yells, and the lightning comes to a quick halt, and the clouds and rain disperses as Nami tucks away her familiar.

Your partial transparency and inability to make contact with anything fades away, and you nearly fall with the sudden weight on your legs. You blink a few times before looking to the other side, which is empty.

"Above!" Carrot alerts.

The four were able to get away from the lightning through the crow familiar, but not unscathed. Two are passed out, the girl and short boy, and the others look close to meeting the same fate.

Shakily, they come down, placing the two unconscious bodies aside as the blue haired one gets ready to punch, although he's far away.

You bite your lip, unsure of what he's planning. "Carrot, can you see if you can direct an electric current— nevermind, this is a bad idea."

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