Chapter 1.1

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"It's time to see what you can do on a battlefield!"

"We still have to get into groups, right?" someone calls out.

He laughs. "Well, I suppose so, though it's not like you really get to choose." Confused murmurs echo throughout the room. "All you have to do is destroy at least one other team's fortress and keep yours protected! When yours is destroyed, you don't advance, but feel free to go wild even if you're out. Good luck, don't die, and I guess have fun!"

Rather than falling this time, the roof opens up and helicopters drop down rope ladders for every few students. You grab onto one and start climbing. Growing closer to the body of the vehicle, the wind whirls around you, leaving it difficult to keep your eyes open and focused on climbing.

With one last burst of energy, you make into the helicopter and take a seat. You catch your breath as more people file in until the small space is filled. Thankfully, you had two others you knew from the group were in the same vehicle. Unfortunately, they were two that tend to fight. A lot.

Uncertain, you debate with yourself whether or not to talk to the other one you didn't know. She has curly pink hair that reaches to her chest. She wears a black top and skirt lined with white designs and matching boots.

"Hello, I'm (Y/N), good to meet you," you finally introduce with a sweet smile. Your familiar chirps in agreement.

"How adorable! You're so cute, and so is your familiar," she squeals, and pink arises on your cheeks. "I'm Perona, wonderful to meet you. What's this little guy's name?" she asks as the small bird flies and perches on her shoulder, snuggling into her neck.

"His name is Amyr," you reply. "What's your familiar's name?" you asked, despite not seeing it.

With a tired roll of her eyes, she calls out her familiar. "Pik, come out." A pale, hovering raccoon like figure exits from her Seal. It looks bored, but too lazy to cure its boredom. You notice it's faint colouration. It looks like some type of red panda, if you'd have to guess. "He's a Ghostly red panda," she confirms.

You gasp in astonishment. "A Ghostly? Amazing," you gush, motioning for the familiar to come to you. It formed into a physical being and curled up in your lap, then dozing off.

"So is yours a Celestial? Advanced?"

You offer an embarrassed smile and laugh. "Ah, no, he's just a regular familiar."

"Hmp. Interesting. Come here, Amyr," says Perona, holding out her finger for him to perch upon. She strokes his head, and he snuggles right up to her finger. "Cute."

"Yeah, yours is too!"

"He's super lazy, though," she pouts. "I guess it's kinda cute, though."

The fifth person climbs up into the helicopter, and you scoot over to make room for him.

You hesitate before greeting him. "Hi, my name's (Y/N)!"

He glances at you. "Law." He offers a handshake.

"Good to meet you," you smile. A speaker in the roof hazes in as the helicopter begins moving. "I think we're starting?"

"Close the doors!" shouts the pilot. Law gets one of the sides, and Zoro the other.

A familiar chuckle sounds from the speaker. 'You'll now be taken to your base, good luck!' The speaker scratches out.

"Wow, we really won't have much of a break," you sigh. "Sorry Amyr, no breaks bud." He lets a low chirp. "Don't sigh at me. C'mere."

"I can handle defense," says Law, speaking up.

"I'll handle offense," Sanji and Zoro say simultaneously.

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