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You call back Amyr and tuck him into your Seal as you back inside with Nami, where Carrot and Perona are waiting. The four of you head into the infirmary as they reset the arena for WGMA's Group A replacing items, terrains, and monsters with different ones.

Since you were completely submerged in the poison and were injured more, you're sent to a different room than the other three, who were able to be healed quicker. You find a place between Law and Kid as you wait for a healer.

"How'd you guys do?"

"Haven't heard the results yet?" Law asks, stretching a healed wrist as a healer moves on to his shoulder.

You shake your head. "I've kinda been not totally here, to be completely honest. A little dizzy and stuff."

"I finished first," Kid boasts with a smug smile.

You offer a small smile. "Congrats! I really wanna watch your guys' rounds when they give us the tapes. What'd you guys have to fight?"

Law sighs as the healer finishes with his shoulder, and he stretches his shoulder. "Cthulhu. It was so exhausting, honestly. And we had to get some darkness orb. The thing was so hard to fight, I thought it'd be much easier," he admits.

"Dragon, had to get its treasure," Kid replies. "It was super protective and annoying," he said, irritated. "But the treasure was gold and dragons have high iron levels in their blood, so with a little work it wasn't all that difficult." His healer bows slightly before moving on.

You shoot him a confused look. "What's that got to do with anything?"

"Oh, my Special is magnetics. Iron's a metal, so with a little extra effort it wasn't too bad."

"You have a Special?" You sigh. "Lucky, I don't think I'll ever get one."

Law raises an eyebrow. "You don't? I figured you of all people---"

"Anyway," you interrupt. "Where's everyone else?"

"Killer's getting food, Wire's on drinks, Heat's grabbing seats in the exclusive area for our school's participants. Did you need seats saved?"

"Sure! Thanks. Where's Penguin, Shachi, and Bepo, though?"

"Getting healed in a different room," Law mutters. "They got messed up pretty bad. Heart's doing fine, though."

"Oh, I'm sorry..."

A healer approaches you. "(Y/N), correct?"

You nod. "Yes, that's me."

"Alright, I need you to stay still as I heal your skin, is that alright?"

"Yeah, that's fine."

She works from your wrists and sent the magic to the rest of your body. As you heal, you slowly feel your energy depleting, but the burning on your skin fades away. She moves to your back, and the pain there eases as well. You hold back a sigh of relief as she finishes up, offering you some medicine with a glass of water.

"In case you've swallowed any poison, this will help. If something starts hurting again, please let us know."

"Thank you."

Law glances at you. "You look exhausted."

You hum, finishing swallowing another sip of water. "I feel exhausted. The pain is gone, but I'm still a little sore, and healing magic always drains me."

"You must've mostly been healed by mass healers, then. They use patient's energy instead of both their own and the patient. I guess we're just more used to it," Law says.

"Hey, wanna head up to the seats?" Kid asks, looking at his phone. "Turns out your friends are there, too."

"Oh, yeah. I'll see you later, Law?"

He hums yes. "I'm going to go check on Bepo, Shachi, and Penguin."

The exclusive area reminds you of a press box, but much bigger, and it's got a perfect centre view of the screens. When you get there, it begun already and they'd been fighting for nearly ten minutes.

"(Y/N)!" Perona says, standing up in excitement. "Drake's here! I mean, not here here, but look," she says, pointing at one of the middle screens, showing what's happening in the middle section.

A familiar ginger shuts his eyes tightly and blindly fends off an enraged basilisk that's spewing poison from its giant jaws. A silver haired and pink haired boy run to grab its eggs. Its tail tries to attack it, and the pink haired boy blocks it. You're not paying much attention to him, though, as you're watching the screen showing Drake, whose badly injured, but manages to injury the serpent worse, paralyzing it for enough time for the pink haired boy to grab an egg.

Kid looks at you from the side, clicking his tongue.

You don't really listen to the announcer until his booming voice announces the first winner, stealing your attention. "Team 7, of Kaku, Lucci, and Jabra have completed first!"

Not a minute later, Drake's team succeeds, the commentator announcing their finish.

"And Team 19, of Smoker, Koby, Helmeppo, and Drake!"

Eager to go see him again, you excuse yourself and practically skip through the halls and down to the infirmary for WGMA.

"Drake?" you call as you enter, knowing he must already be in the infirmary since it took a while to get there, and he's injured enough to need to be healed.

You catch a hint of spiky orange hair near the middle. Drake. He's sitting and getting healed with his back turned to you. He's with the same people in his group, you notice, and a healer's nursing him back to health. A lopsided grin forms on your lips. You start towards Drake when a tall figure blocks your way.

"Er, can I help you, mister?" you ask awkwardly, looking up at the taller boy. He's got black hair and a goatee, along with a top hat.

"You're not from this school, are you supposed to be here?"

"Oh... I, I don't know, I'm sorry, but I'll be out real quickly, I just need to see someone," you say.

He cocks an eyebrow. "Well, miss (L/N)," he says with a smirk. You swallow thickly and subconsciously direct your eyes to the ground. "Could it perhaps be one of your dear siblings? I can call them over---"

"Please don't, I just need to see a friend, his name is Drake."

"(Y/N)," a familiar, annoying voice calls. "Get out and stop bugging everyone," your twin sister says before shifting her eyes to the boy. "I'm so very sorry, Lucci, pests don't quite understand where they can't go without bug spray."

Your eyes shoot up, and you push aside the tiredness in your eyes and replace it with anger.

"What's this, little (Y/N) being defiant? Shall mother hear of this?"

Your body freezes, and suddenly running away, standing up to her, everything seems impossible. Your limbs refuse to do anything, and even your lips tremble as the thought of speaking.

"(Y/N)!" a familiar, comforting voice calls. "Get over here, Group B's starting soon," Kid says before shifting his eyes towards the two tormentors. He strides towards the scene, and throws a strong left hook straight into your sister's jaw. He goes to shoot a sharp look at Lucci, but he's already distanced himself with a slight smirk that pisses off Kid even more.

You're supposed to feel bad for your sister, you know that already, but your lips betray you and form a small smile. You lift your head. "That's enough, Kid... Thanks."

Abandoning his rage for a moment, he shrugs. "Yeah, whatever, let's get back," he says, walking off.

You follow him slowly. "Wait, but Drake..."

"You have plenty of time to have your little reunion," he says. "C'mon."

"Right..." You catch up and trail just behind him back into the hall, but toss one last glance to Drake, who's turned at that point to see what the commotion was all about. Your eyes meet his blue ones for a moment before the door shuts, dividing the two of you.

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