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"There, it should be all healed up. You should be good to go for the tournament," Sabo says, finishing up on Kid's calf. "Thanks for coming to me, good to know I can be of help," he adds sheepishly.

You laugh. "No problem, thanks Sabo."

Kid gets up to leave and glances back.

"I'll be there in a second, you can head towards the dorm, I'll be there soon," you say. He grunts and heads out, and when you hear the door shut, you turn towards Sabo.

"Did you need anything?" the blond asks.

"Kinda... I know I have healing magics class and all, but I was wondering if it'd be possible if you showed me how to do the stuff that you do? I want to be able to help them when they get hurt."

He smiles. "You're a good person. Sure, I'm free whenever. Did you want to go into the magic healing herbs too? I can show you about those, too."

Your face lights up. "Would you?"

Sabo laughs. "Sure. Just let me know whenever, and I can teach you. But ya better go catch up with your roommate."

"Oh, right! Thanks a million, Sabo," you say, hugging him quickly before heading out. "See ya later!"


You rush out of the building in time to catch a certain short-tempered redhead crossing campus. You run up to him and slow once you get to his side.

"Hey, how're ya feeling?"

"Fine? What'd you have to do?"

"Just stuff. By the way, it's already 6:30pm. We'd better get back to the dorm so you have time to rest," you say. "Anyway, are you excited for the tournament?"

"Yeah. You?"

"Kinda. I don't really know how to feel about it, since during teams, it's all teams against each other. There are a lot of people here I really don't wanna come across in any hostile way..."

He chuckles. "Yeah?"

"I mean, remember back to orientation? When Ace and Sabo fought? If I came across them in a battle, I think I might die of shock first... Even most everyone in our year is ridiculously strong."

"Yeah, I think you'd die in two seconds if you faced anyone one on one."


He snorts. "You said it already."

"Still. But you're probably right... Plus, the fourth years? They've gotta be so strong... You know a bunch of the Charlotte family's here."

"I know, they're pretty freakish. Plus the Four Emperors and the Seven Warlords," he adds.

"The what-a-what now?"

"Seriously? You don't know? The Four Emperors, only the strongest four guys here? They've got scouts looking at them, just waiting till they graduate to get them into their Final Training, and just as many scouts looking to put them into work straight outta High School!"

"Woah, really?" you gasp. "And the Seven Warlords?"

"They're pretty much like the student council here, I guess? They represent certain groups. Doflamingo is---"

"Isn't he the principal?"

"Technically? Do you just... not know anything about your own school?"

"I don't pay attention."

"Pft, wow. Good going. Well, there's like a staff principal, that' Rayleigh. He takes care of all the staff and construction parts of the school. The student principal makes most of the calls, though. That's Doflamingo. He does all the rules and stuff.

"He's got influence, so they made him student principal his third and fourth year. But once he's out," he says, smirking. "I wanna take over that, and basically run the school! But I'm not gonna be some stupid Warlord, I'm gonna be an Emperor."

You smile at him, listening to his voice, and chuckle.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing, really. It's just nice to hear you speak so... enthusiastically about something. It's refreshing to hear, I guess."

"Shut up, we're here. I'm gonna rest," he says, opening the door and falling straight to his bed. Law's sitting on his, and you wave to him.

"Hey, how's it going?" You sit next to him, yawning.

He sighs. "Fine, I guess. Tired."

"From the Grand Line?"

He sighs again, this one heavier. "That loudmouthed, red haired idiot."

"Yeah. By the way, you're kinda a doctor, right?" you ask, falling back onto his bed. He scoots back and sits against the wall.

"I'm not sure what you mean by 'kinda a doctor,' but sure."

"What type are you? Magic or traditional?"

"Both, actually. What's brought this up all of a sudden?"

"I... I wanna learn."

He cocks an eyebrow and glances at you. "Why's that?"

"Well, I mean, you can't do healing magic on yourself, right? And... I dunno, I just wanna help out a bit and learn. It's useful stuff to know, ya know?"

He chuckles. "You're so weird. So you want me to teach you?"

You groan. "Yes, and I'm not weird. What's weird about wanting to help?"

"Everything. Now get off my bed so I can rest."

"Fine. Wait, so is that a yes?"



"(Y/N)-ya, wake up."

"Get up before I kick your ass!"

"Shut up, Eustass-ya."

"(Y/N)." Your body shakes, and you open your eyes. The unwanted brightness of day pours in, and you shut your eyes tight before slowly opening them again.

"Zoro? What're you doing in my dorm?"

"We gotta go enter for the tournaments. It's the 19th already."

"Oh! I totally forgot!" You shoot up and rub your eyes. You slide out of bed, forgetting you're on the top of a bunk bed. You let out a small, startled scream.

"You okay?"

You nod, the sudden panic right when you wake shaking you up a little. "Thanks, I owe ya one," you say, trying to calm your frantic heart. "You can... put me down now."

"Oh, sorry." Zoro sets you down, and you thank him again.

"You can get ready, if you want, and we can go enter and grab some lunch," Law says.

"Alright---lunch? Really? What time is it?"

"11:49," he says.

"Welp... in my defense, we didn't have school yesterday or today, so I've been sleeping in. I'll go get ready now, I'll be done soon," you say, grabbing some clothes and slipping into the restroom.

A warm shower later, you get dressed in comfortable clothing and step out of the restroom. "Ready."

"Let's go, then."

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