Chapter 2.2

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"It appears that the refs have called out the match! The familiar has suffered multiple fatal wounds and needs immediate attention. This match is a tie!"

Kid and Law spew out curses. A team of medics rush into the arena, shouting demands to Law.

"Keep the familiar out! It'll die if it stays in your Seal, it needs immediate attention!"

He cringes for a second before calling out Heart. Dreadful seconds tick by as his familiar slowly forms, whines of pain emitting from it. It's less than a quarter of its full size.

With haste, the medics carry out the snow leopard on a stretcher. An unsure silence fills the arena, and the audience slowly files out until you and your group are the only ones left. Law and Kid stand in silence, and the redhead eventually walks out, Law not so far behind him.

You rush from the bleachers to Law. "Hey!"

He glances at you.

"I... You did good out there." It's the only thing you can think of to say. "Are you alright? Did you wanna help the medics? You're a doctor, right?"

"A doctor for humans," he states, a regretful frown on his lips. "I can't help him." And below his breath, murmurs of being unable to save anything.

You gulp nervously. "Ya know, you're really strong."

"Clearly not," he grunts, walking without you.

You catch up quickly. "Clearly so. You fought off basically 5 familiars plus Kid," you point out. "You were at a disadvantage, but you still fought on even grounds. That's strong. Meaning Heart is strong too. Meaning he'll be fine."

His burnt yellow eyes drift to yours, and he cracks a half smile. "Yeah. Thanks, odd girl."

"No problem, kid genius."

"Kid genius?"

"Yeah, Mr. 'I Survived And Found A Cure To A Deadly Disease And Am Too Cool To Tell Anyone.'"

"Oh, I didn't tell you?"


"To be fair, it's not something that comes up in everyday conversation." A comfortable silence washes over the two of you as you walk to no place in particular.

His voice breaks the quiet. "You know, you're nice to be around. You lighten the mood easily."

The comment takes you by surprise. "Me?"

He cocks an eyebrow. "Yeah, you. Why're you surprised? You're always happy and good with people."

"I—thanks. You're nice company, too." You smile up at him.

He wants to scoff and deny, but he can't bring himself to. A quiet 'thanks' and a hidden smile is all he manages.

A few hours pass, and staff finds Law and you and tells him to go see his familiar. You tag along to the infirmary, where a nurse shows you to a room, just like a normal hospital, but for familiars.

In a cozy room lies Heart, fast asleep, with bandages covering nearly his entire body. Only a few tufts of fur you can see that peek out of his bandages.

The nurse speaks up, "He's in a coma state, and his wounds are indeed fatal. But the familiar healing process is very different than humans', as you should know, Mr. Trafalgar."

He nods gravely.

"We estimate he'll stay in a comatose for another few weeks, at least. Of course, we don't know the specifics of the familiar, and the estimate is for an average familiar, which yours is far from. Since we have no real scale, that's the best we can give you." The nurse leaves the room.

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