5.4 part 2

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School starts in less than a month... I'm already nervous...


You smile, a little absentmindedly. "That's great! I'm glad!"

You block out the announcer the best you can, the loud voice worsening an aching head. "I've got a killer headache, and you guys look tired. Let's head to the infirmary."

They nod. The infirmary trip is short. You're healed briefly, but the nurses explain that since much of the fight was using energy, the best cure would be getting extra sleep and resting. Regrettably, you head back to your dorm and miss watching the fights live to take a nap.

You wake later at around 4:00pm and decide to spend some time in the cafeteria, looking out for Drake out of the corner of your eye as you watch the recorded fights on your phone. You sit in the secluded part of the cafeteria with a nice view of the entire building.

Keeping an eye on the door, you don't find Drake at 5:45. Maybe he went into town to eat with his friends or something. You're nearly done watching the fights and looking at others' powers, at least, and you decide maybe you should actually grab something to eat.

You let a small sigh pass as you grab some food and returning to your spot. A few minutes pass, and you've only taken a few bites. Your appetite isn't too strong, and you spin your fork in your food as the last fight finishes, with the rainbow group from science and hand-to-hand combat wins against some Charlotte family members, none of which you have any recollection of.

You catch the door opening from the corner of your eye. You can't see the best over the heads of everyone, but you do catch spiky, orange hair. You pocket your phone and earbuds before making your way through the building towards Drake.


You turn for a moment, finding Kid, Killer, Heat and Wire sitting and eating. "Oh, hey, I'll talk in a second," you say, waving before walking off, finding Drake right by the table, his back turned to you.

You tap the much taller boy on his shoulder. "Hey, Drake!" you greet, grinning widely. His eyes flicker down to you. "It's been forever, how've you been? Did you break your phone or something?"

He turns around and cocks an eyebrow as he types away on his phone.

"Sorry, who are you?" he asks, glancing behind you before returning his eyes to you.

You force a laugh. "Hah! Good one, you're kidding, right?"

He shrugs. "Oh, (Y/N)? You were my roommate."

Your shoulders droop, and you avert your eyes downwards. Maybe you two weren't as close as you thought. "I—Yeah... Sorry to bother, it's good to see you again," you mumble.

He returns to texting, and you step back awkwardly, heading back to Kid's table, before he calls you. "(Y/N), wait just a second," he says quietly. He tilts his phone down a little.

You get the hint and check what it says, taking a few moments longer than usual to read upside down. 'Meet me in the library at 8 tonight. Don't tell anyone. I've got some explaining to do, don't I? It's good to see you again.'

You look back up at him, and he smiles softly. You nod slightly before waving and returning to Kid's table.

"What're you all smiley about?"

"Did you see my fight today?" you ask, excitedly.

"Mhm, congratulations," Killer says, taking a few sips through his straw.

"Yeah, I Intershifted for the first time! That's why I'm so happy!" you lie. "Drake congratulated me."

"That was the first time?" Heat asks.

"Yeah. I mean, I've been trained to do it and stuff, I was just never able to before. Excuse me for a second while I grab my food."

You return soon with your food, catching Drake's eyes for a second and offering a small smile before sitting back down with Kid's group and chatting for a while.

It's pushing 6:30 when you and Kid reach your dorm. Law isn't there, and you climb back up to your bed and sigh. Kid sits on the floor and tinkers with something. Leaning on the railing, you watch him work for a few minutes.

"What's the project this time?"

He glances up for a brief second. "Nothing."

"It doesn't look like nothing to me. Is that a flower? It's pretty—"

He tosses it on the floor, and on contact, spikes shoot out.

"Deadly. Pretty deadly," you correct.

The door clicks open and Law enters, lightly shutting it behind him as he slips his shoes off.so

"Congratulations," Law says. "You did well today, (Y/N)."

"Thanks! You too, and I'm glad Heart is back up and fighting again."

You talk for nearly an hour. "Hey, I've gotta go to the library. I'll be back in a bit," you say. "Do you guys need any books dropped off?"

"Actually, yes, if you would," Law says, handing you a book. "Thank you."

"No problem. See ya guys later."

It's dim outside, and the moon is already out. The library is mostly barren, aside from a few people studying scattered around the tables. You drop off Law's book in the book return chute before looking around for Drake. Already a few past 8, he's not on the first floor, and you decide to head up to the second.

"Drake?" you call quietly.

"Over here," he responds. "Hold on, I'll be there in a second." You hear distant shuffling, and in a minute, you see the boy.

He offers a lopsided smile. "Hey, good to see you. C'mere, I wanna show you something."

"I—Yeah, good to see you, too. What's up?" you say, following him to the corner of the library.

"Sorry I couldn't talk earlier, and I'm sorry for not taking any calls or texts. And for transferring schools without telling you why."

"I forgive you, but are you okay?"

He pauses for a moment, and you almost walk into him. He turns slightly and glances down at you. "Thanks, I'm fine. Check this out, though." He grabs a book off the shelf and places it in an empty spot on another before pulling another slightly.

You hear a small click, and he pulls out a shelf.

"Welcome to my humble abode," he says, bowing in front of a place that looks a lot like a dorm, but much larger. A warm light floods the room, and you enter.

It feels homey, and you look around. "This is so cool... How'd you find this?"

"There were clues around the library. I came here a lot before I switched schools. Can I get you anything?" he says, closing the huge door behind him.

You smile and let a small huff of amusement. "Seriously?"

He moves a large painting, revealing a kitchen. "Seriously. Here, want a soda?" He opens the fridge and tosses you your favourite type.

"Thanks! This is... seriously cool, though." You pop open the can and take a sip.

"Isn't it? Anyway, I need to explain," he says, taking a seat on the couch.

"Hm? Don't worry about it, I already forgave you."

He looks at you uneasily. "I know, but I need to warn you about some people."


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