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"I thought that real love was that, without fear of lost..and was I so wrong!" ~FMG.

Oh, its about to leave an echoing

That shock absorbing item I mentioned y'all getting few chaps back!! You are so going to need it for this!

Get ready to go all black and white,


Wanda suka iya yarenda zanyi yanzu...kusan if nace Lol, toh..da dogon batu a gaba!🙃😌.

Again! Lol....

Previously on IELB
Muneenah has been indubitably seized by sediq. In all means to seek her escape, she met with a not funny car accident, the driver of the vehicle happens to recognize and mention her name, somehow. Who is he? Who is Irfan?, what is irfan's purpose in a lesson or a blessing ... who is Irfan? its inevitably time for answers.

Read on,



Fictional reality!.

I R F A N.


"How could you let her leave? That was very not sensible of you--"


"If she thinks running away is the best option, aren't you in your right senses to make her reason it--"


"I didn't even get the chance to meet her, not even once, and what if something happens to her?--"


"Couldn't you have waited for me? Before agreeing to take her to the airport?"

Irfan expressed a sigh, as he looked over to his mother who sat on her bed, continuously , without a break or cessation, kept complaining and throwing him an accusing form of dissatisfaction from her side,

Because he let muneenah go.

Irfan, definitely didnt know how to start reassuring his mother that Muneenah left because she felt that was the right thing to do and nothing wouldve stopped her from doing what she intended. He personally also was not settled by the whole idea of Muneenah running away, for unfinished businesses, his mind has not been completely settled since he dropped her off at the Airport.

He didnt want to think too much about the persistent, disturbing and anxious thoughts that laid themselves in his mind, but his mother wasn't making it any easier.

A loud and persistent knock invaded both the nagging of irfan's mum, and irfan's thought, it was so hard, the invader impacted the door with such great intensity, someone might think, the door was being bassed out of its place.

"Are you expecting someone?" She asked looking closely at her son,

"No I'm not, but be here,I'll go check who it is" irfan replied before getting up and heading to the long narrow corridor, then to the foreroom which depicted a minimalist touch, his mother, had a great taste when it came to interior design, every item dropped in her lounge was either useful or definately in place, each unique, beautiful and composed,

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