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Shadeeyerhoo got the answer to the previous chap's question and yeah, khadijah loves amala!!

hafceeibraheem was skeptical though she mentioned it too.

Ameey_Hashim your comments made my nights entirely.

Here to all my morning birds!!

Previously on IELB
So basically, the inmates of the ghazaali mansion had made certain plans to make omar and nina to be in a room,with jammed doors, and omar actually called her a 'baby' as a result of her lack of 'r' watcha think about their 'little convo'? .

Read on,




"6" she counted as he moved towards the wall .

"7" she said again when he moved back.

He had being moving to and fro for now 7 oscillations as she counted as if he had eaten a dog's leg.

He suddenly resembled the string in her class 10 physics experiment.

Claiming he had an important meeting, and the funny part was that he didn't even take his bath talk more of getting prepared for a meeting.

"Shut up" he turned towards her.

"Hnwerey" she said and he felt the sudden urge to strangle her, that word was so annoying and he could swear by Allah that it had no absolute meaning, but it was annoying as having even the slightest obstructions while watching TV, couldn't she see he was stuck with her? couldn't she see he had a meeting.

Huffing almost inaudibly, he paced more, to and fro.

"8" she continued.

He shook his head before making way into the en-suite, with a percussive bang .

She didn't even flinch at the sound.

Getting up from her position, she went towards the adjoined lounge room and took out her velvet blue notepad which was beneath the throw pillows on the couch.

She paced her fingers on the well trumped up cover of it, it was fluffy and so soft, it was the best thing she touched to ease her tensions, looking at the book alone reminded her of so many things and brought back a lot of memories.

He exited the bathroom to take flip-flops as he had realized he entered without those, and he knew her ridiculous attempts to annoy him was the reason, as far as he knew, he never forgot to take his slippers when going into the rest room.

He couldn't deny the random minute changes that were occurring all because of her.

And the most vexatious thing was, most of the time she did talk, she was either talking to her self which annoyed him or referring to an inanimate object which as well jumbled his imaginations more.

What was he saying? Inanimate?

No! She just talked with nothing or no one to receive or take in from the other end, it made it worse, cause even if he outcries, it wouldn't make any sense seeing she didn't imply she was referring to him, even if he were to take her to court which he was hoping his sanity would be kept intact till then, no lawyer would hold her for talking to not him.

It was like a story he came across of a traveller who inscribed a statement on the wall God punish queen elizabeth, only to be taken to the court for him to say, there was no full stop in the sentence meaning it wasn't complete, going back to the wall, he added an apostrophe with an s God punish queen elizabeth's enemies. No one had a say to that!

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