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Y'all chose home🙂, home it is then🙃.

I've been avoiding this chapter from the time I started this writeup🤞😪

Previously on IELB
Previous chapter was quite sad in my opinion, while it was a magical night at first, it turned into a nightmare for muneenah, farouk still feels for arshlee and I'm not sure if it's real, but he is planning to propose a marriage for arshlee..while he is at that, muneenah finds out the true identity of her teddy bear, it happened that he was yusif muhammad ghazaali, apparently dead since 10 years back.

Read on,

6th july,



6TH JULY, 2010.
Dubai, UAE.

Gentle sways of the foliage of the plants, bland, glib and natural. A tender atmosphere of polite winds and respectful gales, merged with the silence of the frozen night, few activities around, less movements on the streets and unnoticed movements from unseen creatures, the night seemed calm and peaceful, further enveloped by the glacial nature of the atmosphere, at a low temperature, not usually experienced, this night in particular amongst all others sent chills down the blood rails of people and Farouk most especially.

As he stood with his back merged to the door of his car which was parked somewhere at the hills a short distance from the ghazaali residence, he could view the city from afar, staring down at the splendid and luxurious ultra-modern architecture and the lovely nightlife scenes, he couldn't help but gape in awe, at the remarkable city blanketed amongst the emirates in the United arab Emirates.

His gaze flickered as his pocket vibrates with the sound of his phone ringing, and just as how the vibration moved his fabric and tickled his nerves, a rush of uneasiness flushed through various cells in his body, he knew what that phone call was, but he wasn't sure he was ready to pick it up, he was not even sure if what he was about to do was right or wrong, nothing actually mattered at that moment, he was trapped in his own thought, each ravaging it's way to his mind, occupying the space within completely, confusing him to an extent, every thought had its pros and cons, each challenging the other, each proving a point, yet, none matched what Farouk truly wanted.

It was hard, breading himself to what he might hear, he pushed his hand into his side pocket and pulled out his mobile which was continuously buzzing, he stared at the caller ID for a while, he had to do it.he needed to do it, he assured himself.

"What have you found?" he asked through the call, and with each beat his heart made, he knew it was him dreading the information about to be given to him, he briefly shut his eyes and held his breath,

"Tell me" he muttered against his mobile.


The time piece by the side of farouk's bed made a buzzing sound, trailing muneenah out of her trance, she knew what that meant but she didnt raise her head from between her knees.

The nausea whirled and twisted naturally in her empty stomach, she felt a bile rise up to her chest, she wasn't sure what it was, but it pained her to an extent, several thoughts swam in her head, her heart, as if it pumped stuff thicker than blood, each beat was painful, slow and exaggerated.

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