ode to thoughts

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Authors Note

Welcome to a book of thoughts. This is a random book collection of some things that run through my head. Simply, just some of my thoughts. Most of the time, what I write will probably not make sense to you. But, I guess that's how it's supposed to be, because generally, what's in here, is coming from my personal experiences. Other times, it may not be my own experience, but someone else's.

All I hope to come from people reading this is to spark emotion, and maybe even, spark questions and ideas within yourself.

So let's say an ode to our thoughts--an appreciation for our monolog within us. Because only we are lucky enough to fully know what's going on inside our heads. And the ideas we have, and the things we question, have the potential to change so much.

My Favorite Thoughts

"A letter"
"The Living is Beautiful"

10/13/2020: Thank you everyone for reading this book and giving feedback. I never thought it would have this many reads when I first started making it. It means everything to me, and I really appreciate it more than anyone could know. 💜

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