Dave East (Lanelle)

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Dedicated To: @lanelleeeee


"What's the update on our sales?" I asked my assistant as I took a seat at my desk. She sat across from me as she opened up her book. "Our sales went down almost 2% in the last week. But, David is working as we speak, trying to get actors and models for commercials. " I nodded as I logged onto my computer.

"Does he need a budget?" I asked her. She nodded. "I was just gonna ask you. He said he can work with whatever you give, but he would prefer around $20,000." You sighed as you thought about what your financial advisor said.

"Tell him I'll try to get him the budget he wants, but it's a 50% chance that it'll be way cheaper than that." She nodded and then got up and walked out of my office.

A few minutes passed before my assistant came back and poked her head in my office. "You have a caller on line 3. " I nodded my head and then she disappeared. I rolled my chair down to the other end of your desk and picked up the phone.

"Thank you for calling Winston Enterprise. This is Lanelle Brewster speaking, how may I help you." I could hear the person on the other line shuffling around.

"Hi Mrs. Brewster, this is Mrs. James from Wilbur Elementary School. Um, we were wondering if someone was on the way to pick up Amir and Noelle, because our after school daycare ends in about 10 minutes and we're only allowed to keep students 5 minutes after."

I looked at the clock located next to the phone. It read 3:30. My kids school got out at 2:25. I rolled my eyes, knowing that today was Dave's day to pick them up and he forgot. "I'm so sorry ma'am, my husband was suppose to pick them up and he must've forgot. Just give me a few minutes and I'll be there."

"Yes ma'am. I'll wait with them at the front of the school." I sighed as I hang up the phone. I got up from my desk and grabbed my purse. I walked outside my office and walked up to my assistant's desk. "Can you please cover for me? I have to run to the school and pick up my kids. Dave forgot to pick them up."

She nodded. "I'll just tell them you went to lunch early." I nodded as I started to walk away. "Thank you." I called out.


I pulled up to the front of the school to see both of my kids sitting on a bench with their teacher standing next to them. I put the car in park and got out. "Mommy!" They exclaimed as I walked towards them. "Hi babies, how was your day at school.?" I asked.

"Mine was okay. We didn't do anything fun today." Amir stated as he shrugged his shoulders. "I made you a picture mommy!" Noelle shouted as she shoved a blue piece of construction paper towards me. I took the picture to see it had a giant purple heart glued to it and it read ' I <3 momMy And daDdY ', in green. I smiled at the picture.

"It's very pretty babygirl. I'll hang it up on the refrigerator when we get home." She smiled with joy. "Can you two please go wait in the car while I talk to your teacher." They both nodded and then ran off to my car.

I turned to the teacher with an apologetic look on my face. "I am so sorry about that. My husband was suppose to come pick them and he must've forgot." She shook her head. "It's fine Mrs. Brewster. I understand work can get a bit hectic and it slipped your mind. But can we please not let this happen again?" You nodded. "I promise it won't. I will talk to my husband as soon as he comes home tonight." She smiled at me. "Alright. You have a wonderful day Mrs. Brewster." I smiled back at her. "You too."

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