Sebastian Stan

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Your breathing became heavy as you panicked. The flames around you grew bigger by the second and you had no where to escape as they surrounded all around you and you four year old daughter.

The small one bedroom apartment you rented was currently on fire and you had no idea how it happened. You and your daughter were taking a quick nap before you had to work and when you woke up you tried to go to the kitchen to get a quick snack but when you opened the door your apartment was engulfed in flames. You quickly closed your door and grabbed your daughter, but the flames were so big they were burning down your door.  Your daughter, Mia, was scared shitless as she was shaking and crying in your arms as you both huddled in the corner.

You could hear your front door being broken down followed by the sound of someone walking. "346 to ladder 32. I'm just entering the last apartment and so far no sign of human life. Stand by." You heard a masculine voice say after entering your apartment. "Is there anyone here!?" He yelled out while slowly walking through the apartment. You tried to answer back, but when you opened your mouth the toxic air filled your lungs and caused you to cough.

The firefighter became alert as he heard you coughing. He quickly followed the sound and found you and your daughter huddled in the corner of your room. "Hi, Sergeant Stan here. If you just cooperate with me we can get you out of here quickly and safely and with no scratches." He yelled as he approached both of you. You nodded your head as he began to take the extra oxygen mask and hand it to you. You quickly put in on your daughter's mouth and switched it between you two.

Stan turned around and noticed that the entire apartment was up in flames and there was no way to get out the front door. "I'm gonna need a ladder on the top floor, last apartment on the right." He spoke into the walkie talkie on his shoulder. He then quickly stood up and ripped the curtains down from in front of your window. He took his foot and kicked the window until the glass shattered. He held his hand out towards you and your daughter and helped you two up. He pulled both of you close to him as a large ladder with a harness moved towards the window.

He quickly tied the extra harness around your daughter's waist and made sure it was secure. He grabbed the hook and attached it to the harness'. Mia took a peek outside of the window and noticed how far down it was and began to panic. "Mommy, I'm scared." Mia whispered to you. Stan noticed the panic on her face. "Are you afraid of heights?" Mia slowly shook her head. Stan chuckled as he thought that her little fear was adorable.

He jumped up and sat on the ledge and pulled Mia in between his legs. "Just look at me. Nothing else. I got you." He snaked his arm around your waist and picked you up and leaned back a bit. He told you to wrap your arms around his neck and you did so with a firm hold. The three of you slipped from the window and were dangling from the ladder. Mia's panic kicked in again as she felt like she was slipping from the harness.. "I'm not gonna let you go anywhere love." He whispered to her. Mia shut her eyes tight, trying to ignore her heart jumping out her chest.

Stan gave you a small smile as you both landed safely on the ground. He squatted down to Mia's height and began to take her harness off. "See. That wasn't so bad." Mia giggled. Stan stood up and then gave you a wink as he turned and walked away. You gazed at him as if you were under a spell as the paramedics came to check on you and your daughter.


You checked yourself in your rearview mirror and quickly finger combed your hair. You grabbed the basket of things from the passengers seat and turned off your car. You closed your door and locked your car as you walked towards the big red brick building. You opened the door and the doorbell went off as you entered the small waiting room that sat in the front. "Good morning! How can I help you ma'am?" A young lady ask, who was behind a small desk.

"Um, I'm here to see Sergeant Stan?" You nervously said as you shifted your weight. "And your name." She asked as she stood up. "Y/N." You answered. She nodded. "Let me see if I can find him for you honey." She smiled at you and then disappeared to the back.

You looked around the small lobby as you silently waited. It had been about two months since the fire in your apartment and you came by the fire station to give Sergeant Stan a personal thank you for all that he's done. Not only did he save you and your daughter's life, but he reached out to you after the fire and helped you find an good hotel for you and Mia to stay at while they were renovating the apartment complex. He also bought both of you some clothes since half of them were destroyed in the fire. And you would be lying to yourself if you didn't say you were developing a bit of feelings for him, buy you kept it to yourself because you didn't know if he felt the same way.

You were knocked out of your thoughts as you saw Sergeant Stan approaching. You two gave each wide smiles as he stopped directly in front of you. "How are you doing?" He asked as he gave you a hug. You took a moment to take in his scent. You nervously pushed your hair behind your ear as you felt your heartbeat speed up. "I'm good. Never better." You answer. Stan continued to stare at you as if he was looking at the most beautiful painting in the world.

"Have they finished the apartments?" He asked as he ran his fingers through his short buzz cut. You shook your head. "No, but they said they might be done in a week or two." Stan nodded as he took a glance at the basket you had in your arms. "Is that for me?" He asked.

You looked down at the basket and silently cursed yourself as you forgot about the basket, being that was the main reason you came here. "Uh, Yes! Mia made it for you as a thank you present." You said as you handed him the basket. He took a quick glance at the basket and chuckled as he picked up a homemade card she made. It was made from yellow construction paper and had a stick figure drawing of Stan on the front with large glittery letters that spelled out, 'THANK YOU'.

"How is she? Is she still shaken up by the fire?" He asked as he sat the basket on the desk behind him. "She's doing okay. She still sometimes has nightmares about it, but she hasn't had any lately." He gave you a small smile. "How are you love?" You blushed as you pushed your hair behind your ear. "I'm doing fine. They might be finished with the apartments next week, so I'm excited about that. Living in a hotel was cool the first week or so, but now I'm over it." You two shared a small laugh.

Silence grew upon you two. "Well, thank you for the basket. Tell Mia I greatly appreciate it." He smiled as he picked up the basket again. "Oh yeah. I should let you go, just in case a building burns down or something." Stan chuckled to himself as he noticed how shy you've been acting. You both waved at each other as he turned around and went to the back. You exhaled letting out a breath you didn't know was there.

You turned on your heels and headed for the door. You unlocked your car door as you headed towards it. As you were about to get in the car, you heard someone call your name. You turned around to see Stan running out of the building towards you. You furrowed your eyebrows as you wondered what he could want. He let out a breathe once he settled in front of you.

"Are you free this Saturday?" He asked. You blinked as you were taken aback by what he said. "Excuse me?" You said, your brain not processing what he said all the way. "I know this is weird because we barely know each other, but over the past couple of weeks I've taken a liking to you and I just think you're an amazing woman and I want to see where this relationship will take us." A short silence fell upon the two of you as you were taking in everything he was saying.

"I understand if you think this is weird and you say no. Or if you need someone to watch Mia, my mom lives-" You cut him off mid-sentence with a kiss to stop his rambling. You pulled away from him with a wide grin. He slowly licked his lips and then smiled back at you. "Pick me up at 7?" You said. He slowly nodded as you got in your car.

You closed the door and cranked up the car. As you pulled away, you gave Stan a small wave as he was still standing in the same place, caught in a trance by your kiss.




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