Keith Powers

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You stared at yourself in the mirror taking in what was about to happen.Your best friend/maid of honor walked up beside you and smiled. "You ready?" You took a deep breath and shook your head. You lifted up your dress and started pacing around the room. "What if he changes his mind last minute? What if someone objects? What if he doesn't love me? What if we get a divorce? What if-" Your best friend cut you off as you started to freak out and rant. "YN, it's okay. Keith loves you, you love him, you guys were meant to be. Nothing is gonna come between you guys." You started breathing heavy. In the background you could hear 'Here Comes The Bride' playing.

You started crying, and hyperventilating, messing up your make up. You were a hot mess. "I-I can't do this. That's too much of a commitment." You lifted up your dress and ran to the bathroom in your dressing room, closed the door and locked it. You slid down the wall thinking about how this was the worst day you've ever experienced.

Meanwhile outside, people are confused looking around waiting for you. Keith is at the alter terrified that you grew cold feet and ran away from the wedding. Keith nudges your brother, who is also Keith's best friend and best man. "Yo man, where she at?" Your brother shrugs. "She probably got cold feet, but she'll get over it, I know my sister." Keith nodded still a little worried. Seconds later your best friend comes through the doors, walking down the aisle with genuine smile, trying to make it seem like everything is okay. She walks up to Keith and stands next to him. "Yo, where's YN?" Keith whispers in her ear. "Um, we have a minor problem. She kind of got cold feet and locked herself in the bathroom in her dressing room." She whispered back. Keith sighed. "I'll go talk to her." Keith smiled politely at you guys friends and family as he power walked down the aisle.

Keith ran into your dressing room and caught his breath. He looked around for the bathroom then walked up to the door and knocked. "Leave me alone." You sobbed out as you continued to cry. "Babygirl talk to me. What's wrong?" Keith asked. "I can't do it Keith. So much had gone on in our relationship and I don't think we can hold it together for the rest of our lives. I feel like a lot of people are going to come between us and break us apart. I don't think it was meant to be. I mean, we almost called the wedding off for god sake." Keith sighed. He was kind of heartbroken that you felt this way and that you were going through so much pain.

"Babygirl, first off, I'm sorry for every single thing I put you through. I've done so much to you in the past 5 years and you've stuck by my side and never doubted me. But, just know that from this day forward, I'm gonna be a hundred and one percent committed to you and our love. I want you to know that anything or anybody is never gonna come between us. We are ride together until the wheels fall off. I really want to grow with you and build a family with you. Babygirl, your all I ever need and if you leave me right now, I don't know what I'll do with myself. I love you so much." It grew silent as you took in everything he just said. Keith stood up from leaning on the door. "I'm gonna go back out there, and I'm gonna wait 20 minutes, if you're not out there by that time I'll know where we stand and I'll call of the wedding and go home without you by my side." Keith slowly walked out your dressing room and went back to the alter.

You sat there for a good five minutes and thought about what Keith said to you and all the things you two have been through throughout the years.


Twenty minutes later Keith was standing at the alter with no bride. He was honestly so heartbroken, he couldn't even think straight. As soon as he opened his mouth to call of the wedding, the doors opened up and there you stood with your dad on your arms. A huge grin appeared on Keith's face as he admired how beautiful you looked.

Everyone stood up and the music began to play again as you and your dad slowly walked down the aisle. When you two got down the aisle your dad kissed your forehead and shook Keith's hand. Keith took your hand help you up the step and smiled at you. You looked at Keith and admired how handsome he looked. It was at that moment you realized Keith Powers was the love of you life and you were ready to commit to him...

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