II. Cue Ludacris Because I'm Acting Like A Fool

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II. Cue Ludacris Because I'm Acting Like A Fool

Right now I'm on the dance floor of the same club I brought Bex to years ago when she first came back to Clinton Hills. I'm desperately trying to dance my problems away to some contemporary hip hop song. At the moment, it's fucking working.

Bex is dancing with me, with a smile on her face and laughing. I join her in laughter as we both yell in excitement at the fun we are having right now. This is exactly what I needed. I get closer to Bex and wrap my arms around her shoulders. She returns the gesture by wrapping her arms around my waist and smiling at me.

"I love you Bex! You're such an amazing friend and sister!" I yell at her over the music.

"Aww, I love you too Hev! And you know I'd do anything for you! You're my best fucking friend!" she grins at me and pulls me in for a warm hug.

Two guys come walking up to us and attempt to start dancing with us but we both start giggling at their efforts. They give us a confused look and stop grinding on us.

"Sorry boys, I'm happily taken," Bex frowns apologetically at them while holding her hand up, showing them her beautiful wedding ring.

One guy mutters something under his breath but I can tell it was something along the lines of being disappointed. The other guy eyes me expectantly and I roll my eyes at him. I don't want to blatantly say he's just not my type but I'm hoping that gesture says it for me. He's cute don't get me wrong, but he's just way too young for me. I'm not in the mood now-a-days to be dealing with boys.

They both walk off and Bex pulls me to the bar. She orders us some shots and looks at me curiously.

"Why didn't you dance with that other guy? He was cute," she elbows me with a wiggle of her brow and a smile.

"Yeah he was but I'm not in the mood to deal with boys," I admit.

"Hev, you're here to get lucky, not start a committed relationship with someone. Since when did age stop you before?" she giggles and holds up her shot glass to me.

We clank them together before swigging them back. The warm whiskey burn down my throat and into my chest is just what the doctor ordered.

"I don't know Bex. I'm just not in the mood for one night stands anymore. I'm getting too old for that," I shrug and tap my glass to the barkeep to refill it.

"Oh really now?" she grins at me and we both take another shot.

"Yeah. Really," I mumble and that's when I notice Bex's eyes go wide as she looks behind me. When I go to turn around to see what she's looking at, she quickly tries to grab my attention but it's too late.

My ex-fiancé walks through the entrance of the club, Bryan Scott. The man I was in my first long term relationship with. Four years, four long years. Four years of my life I'll never get back for as long as I live.

The pain that's been lingering in my chest ignites once more when I see his face. I was in love with the guy. My first love. Our life together was perfect for the most part and then just one day, he decided it wasn't good enough for him. Why he waited until a certain day to come to that conclusion, I'll never understand, but he still did it none-the-less.

If seeing him walk through the door with a big smile on his face wasn't enough, my heart nearly breaks all over again when a blonde bimbo comes walking in behind him and he puts his arm around her. He nuzzles his face into her neck and she giggles. I watch as they make out right in the open, like they can't keep their hands off each other. I remember when it was like that with us.

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