fifty three

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February 28th

The meeting with Diggory had gone surprisingly well; Harry managed to bargain with him, and now, he would be gone for a little under a month instead of the suggested month and a half.

Harry perched in the middle of London Heathrow an hour before his flight began boarding. His mother, father, and Draco had reluctantly dropped him off at the airport—he and Draco managing to block traffic for a few moments as they held onto each other for dear life. He tried his best to stay distracted so he wouldn't tear up again.

He waited for Diggory and his crew with one foot propped up on his carryon, scrolling aimlessly through his camera roll.

Stumbling upon a screenshot of an email, he quickly reread his schedule—as though he hadn't read over it a thousand times already. He was just aching for something to do at this point.

He silently thanked his boss for his ability to plan ahead and think quickly on his feet: there was no way he'd be able to navigate his way to the photoshoots without his crew's help

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He silently thanked his boss for his ability to plan ahead and think quickly on his feet: there was no way he'd be able to navigate his way to the photoshoots without his crew's help.

Opening up his Snapchat, he turned his camera around and stuck his lip out in a pout, captioning the photo with something unbearably sappy before sending it to Draco.

A familiar clap on his shoulder caused him to jump, until his eyes focused on Cedric Diggory, as chipper as can be.

"Mr. Potter! How're you feeling?" He inquired, taking a seat and throwing his bag into the chair beside him.

"Feelin' like a million quid, Cedric." Harry replied jokingly. It had been an inside joke between them since their first meeting.

Diggory laughed before looking over at the crew.

It consisted of three women and a man, all of whom Harry had never spoken to properly—except for one.

"Harry, this is Ginny—" he gestured to a lady with flaming red hair, who Harry immediately recognized as his best friend's little sister. They gave each other a knowing smile, a promise to catch up when time allotted it.

"Hermione—" a woman who looked to be the same age as Ginny, with wild waves of light brown hair and a kind face.

"Neville—" a handsome young man with an innocent look about him, some sort of medical emblem stitched onto the bag in his grasp.

"And Luna." Her long, blonde hair and distant expression made her appear almost childlike.

They each came forward and shook Harry's hand, greeting each other and making light conversation. As it turned out, Neville was coming along to assist them and take care of any injuries, Hermione and Luna were two of his secretaries who volunteered to come along, and finally, Ginny was another one of his models.

Harry was pleasantly surprised—he had remembered Ron saying something about Ginny getting into the modeling industry as well, but he had neglected to ask where.

The rest of the hour passed much more quickly with his newfound company, and before he knew it, they were situated safely in their seats on the plane.

"This your first time going to America?" Diggory asked as he messed with his tray.

Harry nodded, but realizing that his manager was too busy fumbling to get the thing back up, he decided to use his words. "Yeah. First time leaving the UK, really."

Cedric gave him a look of surprise, but didn't say anything.

After getting up in the air and connecting to wifi, Harry's phone lit up with a call from Sirius.

"Hey," Harry said, plugging in his earbuds.

"Hey, Little Prongs. Not bothering you, am I?"

"Not at all. We just took off not long ago." Harry peeped out his window at the gray clouds in their midst.

"Are you excited?" Sirius faded in and out a bit, the high elevation not doing his connection any justice.

"More than I was, yeah." Harry smiled softly, "Trying not to miss you all too much."

Sirius's little laugh was comforting. "I'm sorry Remus and I couldn't be there to see you off."

"It's okay, don't worry about it!"

"I imagine Draco was upset?"

"Oh, yeah. He didn't want to show it in front of Mum and Dad, but I could tell." He paused, "He's staying with us now, by the way."

"Is he? How long has this been going on?"

"About a week."

Sirius hummed. "I hope he still has my gift, then."

Harry's cheeks colored. "Not anymore."

There was a pause on the other end before his godfather's pleasant laugh filled his ears. He started cheering, apparently so loud that Cedric could hear it from the seat beside him.

Diggory gave him a look full of amusement as Harry sheepishly mouthed an apology and turned his volume down.

He really had to invest in some noise-canceling headphones if he was going to call Sirius anymore.

"Did it hurt?" Sirius asked through a laugh, all sense of boundaries left behind. Harry was very glad they could be open with each other, though. It wasn't at all different than talking to Ron, or any of his other friends.

Suddenly feeling smug, he snorted. "I don't know, ask Draco."

He couldn't help the wheezes that escaped him as soon as he heard Sirius sputtering on the other end of the line. He covered his mouth to suppress his laughter—the last thing he wanted was to make the other passengers angry.

"I- I tho- that's why I gave him the-" Sirius said, following up with something that sounded suspiciously like ". . . didn't even think you were tall enough to reach . . ."

Harry let out a final breathy laugh at the comment about his height, he was used to Sirius being playful about it and didn't mind in the slightest. He still found the whole situation quite hilarious.

"Well, Prongsy, I'm proud. I didn't know you had it in you."

They both giggled like mad, and it wasn't long before the call ended and Harry sat, bored out of his mind.

Diggory was typing away angrily on his laptop, Hermione with her head laid back beside him.

Across the aisle, Neville, Luna, and Ginny were watching a film on their screens. From what he could hear, it had something to do with a magic boy and his friends trying to find a rock. It didn't interest him enough to watch.

He kicked back in his seat, and decided to join Hermione in taking a little nap. Jet lag was bound to catch up to him, anyway.

Before he closed his eyes, though, his phone lit up with a notification.

9:46 pm

Draco took a screenshot!

He thought to himself, maybe this won't be so bad after all.

a/n: sorry for the slower updates, school  s u c k s. another chapter will hopefully be up soon though :)

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