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the next day


12:04 PM
harry: i guess i should've worded that story better

draco: you think so?

harry: heyyy you answered

draco: yeah. okay thanks for
the story, bye

harry: nO

draco: what

harry: are you planning to block me or something

draco: no just unadd you

harry: excuse me

draco: well you just wanted to
tell me your story right?

harry: no
i wanted to get to know you

draco: well that's new. why?

harry: i wanted to see if you're actually as edgy as your username suggests,,,,
and so far it's looking like you are

draco: huh. define "edgy"

harry: edg•y
"taking coolness to its extreme and generally beyond the realm of actual possibility, while at the same time seemingly unaware of how ridiculous it is."

draco: wow ok
are you sure that's a real definition

harry: urban dictionary

draco: hm
well ok i gtg

harry: whatttt we were just getting to the bottom of your edginess

draco: i know, it's tragic. bye

harry: so far you're coming off as pretty edgy, mate
bye 🙃

opened 12:16 pm

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