twenty two

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Everyone in the studio was so busy rushing back and forth from their destinations, they didn't notice the random blond boy crossing their paths.

Of course, Draco didn't mind in the slightest. That meant there were less people in the way of getting to where he needed to be.

He reached the set just in time. Harry was standing in the midst of a group of people; each of them either giving him directions, messing with his hair, or applying more powder to his face.

Draco stood off to the side and watched patiently, thankful that he hadn't shown Harry what he looked like prior to the photoshoot.

A man came up to Draco just as the group around Harry began to disperse. He realized that it was the man he saw entering with Harry earlier.

"Hello, you must be Mr. Malfoy. I spoke with your mother on the phone, she said you'd be here today." He held his hand out to him to take, "Cedric Diggory. I'm the one in charge around here." The charming man winked.

Draco nodded and shook his hand. "That would be me, Mr. Diggory. Pleasure to meet you." He easily activated that Malfoy-Black charm, passed down to him by both of his parents. That was a trait he was grateful for.

"The shoot is about to start, and it shouldn't take too long. Can I have someone get you anything?"

"No thank you, I'm all set."

With a friendly nod and quick goodbye, Diggory swiftly made his way to the set to begin the shoot.

Draco was impressed—he knew Harry was good, that was for sure, but the boy was honestly a natural when it came to this.

Each pose he struck captivated those watching. Genuine enthusiasm leaked from Diggory's voice with every shout of praise.

"Brilliant, Harry!"

"Just like that! Beautiful."

"Absolutely stunning."

All too soon, the shoot came to an end. The crew began packing up their equipment as Diggory ran up to Harry, presumably showering him with compliment after compliment.

He managed to pick up an "I've never seen anything like it!"

It obviously wouldn't be the last time Harry modeled for Gucci. Diggory and his workers were beyond blown away.

Draco didn't realize he was smiling fondly at the sight until Harry had stopped and was right in front of him, looking at him inquisitively.

He internally panicked—he didn't know he would have to confront Harry just yet! Without giving it too much thought, he said the first thing that came to mind:

"I told you you'd do great, Harry."

"Thank you, and I'm sorry but, I don't recall meeting you before."

His voice. Cheerful and kind, just like Draco had imagined. He turned to Diggory. "Is it alright if I talk to Harry privately for a moment, or are you in a rush?"

"By all means," Diggory smiled before running off to take care of other business.

"Is something wrong, sir?"

"Not at all, Harry. Er.." Draco tried to choose his words as carefully as he could. He didn't want to come right out and tell him who he was; that was way too forward (in his opinion, anyway!).

"We actually have met before, in a way. Not face-to-face.."

Harry just blinked at him.

"We've talked, and I've seen photos of you, you just haven't seen photos of me..."

The boy was still lost.

How dense is he?

Draco let out a huge sigh. "I wrote my Snapchat username on a stall in Wiltshire and you just happened to add me."

In an instant Harry's eyebrows shot up, his mouth opening just the slightest.

The pair stood in silence for a few moments as reality sunk in on Harry and he grasped what had just happened.



In one moment, Draco's eyes were on the short brunette standing wide-eyed in front of him.

In the next, he was trying his best to keep his balance as that same brunette threw his arms around Draco in a fierce hug.

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