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warning: mentions smut

Driving seems to go by much more quickly when you're brooding.

It also seems to creep by when you're headed to see the person that you love most and hold dearest.

So really, it evened itself out.

Still, Draco found himself stood trembling outside the Potters' house, delivering four knocks to the solid wooden door.

This time around, he was greeted by the sweet face of Lily Potter. She looked surprised to see him, but happy nonetheless.

As they exchanged greetings, her expression turned to one of concern upon seeing how frantic he was. Draco smiled and reassured her that he was alright as believably as his nerves would allow him, before she sent him off towards Harry's room.

He didn't bother knocking, the door was wide open.

Upon entry, he heard music playing softly from his speakers. Harry was lying on his stomach facing away from the door, staring pensively out the window.

"Harry," his voice cracked.

His head snapped around quickly at his name and he jumped up from his spot on the bed.

Harry ran over and buried his face into his chest, breathing out a sigh of relief as he connected his hands around his boy's back. "I was so worried, what happened to you?" Pulling away from him a bit and looking up, he too noticed how on edge he was.

Draco's unsteady breaths turned into whimpers, whimpers very quickly turning into body wracking sobs.

He could barely acknowledge Harry's pleas of "Draco, what's the matter?" as he led him over to sit down.

Draco went limp as he pulled him up onto the bed. They were on their sides facing each other, this time, Harry pulling Draco's face into his own chest. He let him cry all of his feelings out. Not saying a single thing, just giving him the time he needed.

Draco grabbed at the collar of Harry's shirt and held on for dear life. He squeezed the poor quivering boy in his arms tighter in reply; if they were any closer together they'd be one person.

It took a good ten minutes for Draco's breathing to come back down from its erratic pattern, but Harry still said nothing. He ran his fingers through mussed blond strands as gently as he could, in what Harry hoped was a calming manner.

He zoned out, raking his mind for all the possibilities that could have caused him to be so upset.

Draco finally speaking scared him out of his thoughts.

"I'm sorry," Draco managed to choke out. His face and tone absolutely broke Harry, and it was something he decided then and there, that he never wanted to be the cause of.

"Why are you apologizing?" Harry propped himself up on an elbow and moved his hand down to caress at a tear-stained cheek.

"I don't text you for days, th-then I show up out of nowhere and I'm a-a mess–"

"Baby, that is no reason to apologize. I'm not angry." Harry said firmly, pulling Draco's chin up to look him in the eyes and using his own given pet name back at him. Worried, watery, stormy eyes flickered back and forth between both of Harry's.

"Do you want to talk about what happened?" Harry inquired softly, almost afraid that if he spoke too loudly, Draco would break into a million tiny pieces.

There was a long pause, but Harry refrained from saying anything else.

"Dad kicked me out," Draco's lip curled into a scowl eventually and he sniffed, closing his eyes and wiping at them with the sleeves of his jacket.

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