twenty one

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Draco was just about to enter in behind the pair when his phone buzzed. Looking down at it, he was pleased to see Harry had sent him something.

7:37 am

Harry: so i'm finished with makeup and hair
and we're about to start the shoot

Draco: still nervous?

Harry: of course i am

Draco: figured. you'll do great
i'm sure. just don't think
about it too much, don't
focus on anything, just
listen to what they tell you
and be yourself. don't try to
model like someone you're
not...? not sure if that made
sense but you get what i'm

Harry: yeah i get it. thank you

Draco: it's no trouble

Harry: ❤️


Draco's eyes nearly popped out of his head. Surely he didn't mean this in a romantic way. That's what friends do, right? His mind refocused on the task at hand, he didn't give it a second thought as he sent his reply and carried on inside.


Draco: ❤️

i'm sorry the chapters have been short recently, the next few after this one will be longer :)

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