twenty five

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Draco pulled up to a gate, grabbing a badge from his pocket as he did so. He rolled down his window and waved it at a scanner. Once the gate was opened, they made their way up the long drive of a house that was the spitting image of a Hollywood Hills mansion.

"This is your house?" Harry stared on in awe.

"Yes, this is Malfoy Manor, as my father likes to call it." He said with a scoff.

"It's beautiful,"

When Draco didn't say anything in response, Harry decided to continue, "Is it just the three of you living here?"

"Yeah," he answered simply, making sure the Jaguar was straight as he pulled it into the garage. Once the keys were out of the ignition and the car was locked up, the two boys made their way up the path to the house.

Harry's eyes looked everywhere but ahead of him. The intricately carved patterns in the stone exterior captured his attention, as did the beautiful landscaping.

"You have a gardener?" Harry pushed, wanting to keep the conversation rolling. They had been getting along so well earlier; he didn't know what had caused Draco to become so distant.

"It's my mother's favorite pastime."

The brunette boy just hummed, looking at all the flowers as they passed them. Dahlias, irises, anemones, daisies—Mrs. Malfoy had planted just about every flower you could think of, and more.

They finally arrived at the large front doors and Draco pulled one open, allowing Harry to go inside first.

Malfoy Manor was just as gorgeous on the inside as it was on the out.

Harry didn't have much of a chance to look around at the entryway, however, because Draco began quickly leading him to the staircase.

He practically had to run to keep up with Draco. The nervous blond was taking the steps two at a time, soon reaching the landing and heading for the second staircase.


He slowed just a little. Glancing over his shoulder, he saw one confused Harry several steps behind him.

"What's the rush?"

Without a good enough excuse, he shrugged lamely and apologized.

"Oh okay, well—"

"Draco, honey, it's about time you got back. I was just about to think you'd decided to not come home," Narcissa called out from the bottom of the staircase. Draco said nothing but stood rigid in his place, staring down at his mother.

"Aren't you going to introduce me to your friend?"

He loosened just a bit. "Mother, this is Harry Potter; Harry, this is my mother, Narcissa."

"It's nice to meet you, Mrs. Malfoy." Harry smiled nervously. The awkward exchange that was unfolding before him was making him more uncomfortable by the second.

"And you as well, Harry." She gave him a quick smile and nod before returning her gaze to her son.

"Sorted out your priorities yet, mum?" Draco questioned without thinking.

Knowing he had struck a chord by the look on Narcissa's face, he gestured for Harry to go on upstairs. He gratefully obliged. The situation was becoming too awkward for him to handle. Harry made his way up both staircases, but unfortunately, he didn't know where Draco's room was. This left him out of sight, but he was still able to hear the conversation below loud and clear.

"I see you've brought home another toy," Narcissa uttered once she thought their guest was a safe distance away.

"Do not call him a fucking toy," Draco's voice wavered angrily.

There was a long pause.

She finally softened up a bit upon his reaction and sighed. "I'm sorry Draco, you know I didn't mean that. The things you say just get to me, I suppose. I thought we agreed we were going to sit down and talk out our differences as a family. This is no way to do it."

"I think it's a bit too late to talk out our differences. You didn't make an attempt at it when you actually had the chance, so why bother now? Especially after your little comment on Harry. That's not happening, mum." Draco turned and stormed up the rest of the stairs, Narcissa angrily calling out for him below.

Attempting to cover up his eavesdropping, Harry quickly moved further down the hallway while simultaneously pulling out his phone and pretending to text on it.

He looked up as Draco's footsteps got closer.

"I'm sorry. Did you happen to hear any of that?" His fists were still clenched, his pale face now pink.

Harry mustered up his mediocre acting skills and shook his head as convincingly as his body would let him.

Draco nodded, seemingly at ease. "My room is this way," he nodded in the opposite direction before turning.

Following behind, Harry couldn't help but feel upset. Not for himself or the name Narcissa had so kindly given him—that didn't matter to him. He was worried for the only thing that mattered to him in that moment; Draco Malfoy.

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