forty two

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February 4th

"You seriously want to take pictures in these? It looks repulsive on me," Draco's whiny complaint echoed from Harry's bathroom.

Harry stood in front of the mirror on his wall and readjusted the sleeves of his new favorite pastel pink shirt. "I'm sure it doesn't, get out here so I can see you."

He cautiously took a step out of the bathroom at his command, and Harry let out a gasp. "What the hell do you mean? That's got to be the best thing I've ever seen!" Harry yelled excitedly as he nearly skipped over to him.

"Pink is your color," Harry's eyes shone as he dragged him over to the mirror and studied their appearances.

Draco let out a grunt of dismay and grabbed his leather jacket from the foot of the bed. He put in on over top before scrutinizing himself again. "That's better."

Harry snorted and threw a hand over his mouth.

"I'm sorry," he struggled to get out between fits of laughter, "That was just—gasp—the edgiest thing you've ever done. By far."

Draco rolled his eyes but found himself smiling nonetheless.

Harry was still in stitches as he grabbed his phone and led them outside. He scoped out the area and walked over the the side of the house. "We can lean against the wall to maintain at least some of your edginess." He joked, but really, the chilly wind couldn't hit them in that spot, and there was no better place to do it.

"Couldn't we just take it inside?"

"My room's a mess."


Harry propped his phone up and set a timer. Despite being so against the idea initially, Draco found himself enjoying it quite a bit. He'd never tell Harry that, though. By the time they got back inside they could barely feel their fingers and toes.

Lily made them some hot cocoa to warm up, and they sat nestled together on the couch.

Harry scrolled through all the photos they took, occasionally making a comment and showing them to Draco.

"Please don't put those appalling filters and stickers all over them," Draco complained, albeit fondly, as he rubbed circles on his arm.

He watched as Harry opened up his photo editing apps and proceeded to apply 'appalling filters and stickers' on one of the photos. Draco sighed and he could just about feel the triumphant smirk on his lover's face.

After the photo had been posted to Instagram, Harry turned to him seriously.

"How would you feel about doing a shoot with me?"

Draco gaped at him with the most dumbfounded expression he could muster. "What? Are you serious?"

He nodded and beamed up at him. "It would be fun, and since you helped start all of this, I really want you to be a bigger part of it. To help show you how grateful I am, since I don't know the words to say it." He finished shyly.

Draco slowly smiled and looked at him with a glint in his eye that Harry couldn't quite put his finger on.

"Wouldn't Diggory mind?"

Harry gave a dismissive wave of his hand. "Who gives a shit what Diggory thinks?"

"Potter," Draco could only gawk open-mouthed, "I'm not sure what's gotten into you, but I think I quite like it."

Harry's face reddened and he shrugged a bit. "I'm sure he wouldn't care," he met his eyes again with a tiny smile.

"Well, let's do it then." Draco said finally as he leaned in for a kiss.



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—a/n: big big things are coming yessir buckle up

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