twenty seven

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This time, it was Harry who woke up. He sat up and grabbed his phone from the nightstand to check the time, and to look through his notifications.

10:27 am

Let me know what time you'll be at the house, Pads and Moony are stopping by for dinner ☺️
8:18 am

Hope you're having a good time, use protection x
2:05 am

He snorted at his godfather's message before looking over at the sleeping boy beside him.

The usual sleek, perfectly managed platinum blond hair was a complete mess, falling down over both of his eyes. It was a sight Harry never thought he would witness. With a quiet laugh he grabbed his phone and took a photo, before laying back down beside him.

Harry realized that he was rather hungry, so he shot a reply back to both texts before focusing his attention on Draco.

Starting out, he attempted to shake him awake, to no avail.


"Draco get up,"

"You're not being a very good host,"


The sleepy boy finally jerked awake and looked around madly, before his blurry gaze focused on Harry's.

"Sorry," he murmured sleepily while bringing his fists up to rub at his eyes. The two laughed softly and they were soon left in silence again as Draco sat combatting the leftover drowsiness.

With a yawn, he asked "Are you hungry?"

Harry, relieved that Draco knew exactly what he was thinking, nodded happily.

"Let's go, then," Draco said with a smile, sincerely hoping that his mother wouldn't say anything uncalled for this morning.

Upon their arrival, Draco was displeased to see that both of his parents were sitting in the kitchen.

His father sat at the bar scrolling through his phone and drinking his morning coffee, while Narcissa stood at the counter making breakfast.

"The food will be ready in just a few minutes, boys." She smiled tensely at the two before turning back to the sausage sizzling on the stove.

Lucius looked up from his scrolling and gave Harry a nod before sticking his hand out. Draco watched with his breath held as Harry kindly took his hand and shook it.

"Harry Potter. Nice to meet you, sir."

"Pleasure to meet you too, Harry. Lucius Malfoy."

It was bewildering to the nervous blond how Harry could be so kind and comfortable with everyone he met.

The moment the pair stepped back from each other, Draco let his breath go. His mother must have told his father what happened the day prior. He silently thanked both of them for being on their best behavior.

Soon enough, Narcissa placed two plates of food in front of the boys. They thanked her before she and Lucius left to eat somewhere else, leaving the boys to their own devices.

Hunger overcame the need for conversation as the two boys dug in.

Narcissa was a great cook as well as a great gardener, Harry came to notice.

"I have to be home by six," Harry spoke up after remembering his father's message suddenly, "My godfather and his husband are coming for dinner."

Draco nodded and took a drink of orange juice. "That's fine."

After another pause, Harry looked up at him again.

"If you want, you could stay over and meet everyone? I just really like hanging out with you, I know you have school and stuff and—wait sorry, I don't mean to force you to–"

Draco scoffed and cut him off. "Stop that, Potter. You know damn well I'd be more than happy to go with you."

And with that, the two boys laughed, finished their breakfast, and made their way back upstairs to laze the day away.

i'm so sorry for the long break in updating, i lost a lot of motivation. also, i know this book is pretty slow-burning, but that's my personal preference and i would rather make it a long fanfic instead of just a few chapters. i'm going to start speeding things up a bit soon, though. i'm trying to get back into the swing of things again. thank u all for your patience. you're all so sweet <3

draco took a screenshot | drarryΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα