The group followed the guy to the back of the building and knocked on the door. A tiny slot that was placed on the top part of the door slid open and two eyes peaked out of it.

"Password," said a girl's voice on the other side of the door.

"London it's me," Dakota said.

"Wait," Dejan said. "You are both named after places? Are you guys siblings?"

"Sadly yes," Dakota slugged his shoulders and turned back to his sister. "Open the door or I'm telling dad about your tattoo"

She closed the slot, unlocked the door and stepped outside, "You have a shit load of tattoos all over your arms and on your back. Why can't I have one?"

"Because I paid for my own and you used his credit card. Now move so we can go inside"

Everyone went inside and left London at the door to pout. Dakota lead them through a long hallway that had strobe lights at the end of it. Loud music was blasting and a bunch of teenagers were yelling and dancing.

"A word of advice," Dakota started. "You guys seem cool and everything but take it from me. The kids in California are stuck up and always looking for a fight. So if some other group comes up to you and wants to dance battle, don't waste your energy"

"So kids just randomly come up to you and challenge you to a dance battle?" Dominic asked. "We don't dance for attention, we dance because its what we love to do"

"Actions speak louder than words," Dakota stopped at the entrance to the club and turned to look over at Janet. 

His eyes went up and down her body as if he were ready to devour her. Janet's whole entire face began to turn red. Victoria noticed the look Janet had in her eyes. It didn't look good...

"Good luck," Dakota said.

He disappeared into the crowd of teens and all of the Rangers turned to look over at Janet. Her face was flushed and puffy due to many days of crying.

"What?" Janese started pushing everyone into the club. "Let's go party!"

All of the Rangers ran towards the dance floor, leaving Dominic and Victoria by themselves. The two stood side by side in the door frame as if waiting for someone to invite them in. But if they were to go inside, where do they go? Do they sit at a table together and act awkward like they are right now or should they go dance with random people that they don't even know? In the old club, they knew everyone that was there and basically were the power couple. Now they can't even hold hands without Victoria pulling away.

Becky popped up from the crowd and walked over to the two, "What are you guys doing here? You've got to show everyone your sick moves!"

"I would love to Becky," Victoria said. "But I'm wearing heels. I can't really do anything other than walk"

""Aw poo..." Becky turned to look at Dominic. "How about you? up for a little show?"

"I guess I could show these people a thing or two," Becky jumped up and down in excitement, grabbed his hand and dragged him towards the DJ booth.

Victoria was left alone and walked towards the bar. She sat down on one of the stools and watched Dominic laughing and giggling with Becky. That just sent a pile of jealousy through her body. She knew that Becky was a great friend and doesn't seem like the boyfriend stealing type, but you can never be too sure these days.

"Can I have a Coke please?" Victoria turned her head and found Nicholas sitting on the stool that was next to hers. "Fancy seeing you here"

"Ditto," Victoria said. "Can I ask you something?"

"Is it about Becky and Dominic?" he asked sipping his soda. "Because if it is, you have nothing to worry about. She's not the homewrecking type"

"How do you keep doing that?"

"You have an easily readable face, you don't hide your emotions very well. Like yesterday, you had a guilty look the entire time that we practiced. You were so busy thinking about what Dominic would think about it, that you wouldn't let yourself show your true potential"

"Well that's not entirely true," Victoria turned her entire body to face the bar. "I didn't want to make a fool of myself because you're an incredible dancer and I'm some mediocre ballet dancer from Texas who was lucky enough to get into a performing arts school"

"Putting yourself down is just an excuse to not try," he stood up and grabbed Victoria's hand. "Is it okay if I hold your hand?"

She nodded and let him lead her to the dance floor so they could watch Dominic and Becky. Everyone cleared the dance floor so Becky and Dominic had room.

Becky spoke into the microphone, "Ladies and gentlemen! We have a newbie here that thinks he can out dance me!"

Everyone started to ooh and aah while the Rangers were cheering and clapping on the other side of the crowd. Victoria smiled slightly, knowing that Dominic was going to dominate as always. But her focus was mostly on Nicholas' hand still interlocked with hers. It was warm and soft yet strong. It made her feel safe.

"So a few day ago, Dominic and I were coming up with a few routines and we have one to show you that I think I can do way better"

"I highly doubt that," Dominic said. "Let's not forget, you asked for my help"

Victoria was observing their flirting. She knew it was flirting because she can vaguely remember having a dream about Dominic flirting with her like that before they started dating. And since most of the dreams she has nowadays are about either Nicholas or her past, she knows that it's flirting.

"Drop the beat," Becky handed her mic to the DJ and got into position. 

The music started to play and the duo went straight into it with full force. Their routine was amazing and looked a little difficult for Victoria to do. She never did anything complicated with Dominic because everything Dominic did was way too advanced for her.

Nicholas could see the concern on Victoria's face and squeezed her hand tighter, "We can go outside if you want to"

"I'm okay," she lied. 

She wanted so badly to go up to both of them and stop their routine. But they weren't doing anything wrong or anything to completely bother her...until it happened. When they ended in their last pose, Becky grabbed Dominic's face and kissed him. And instead of pulling away from her, Dominic grabbed her waist and kissed her back. This wasn't an ordinary kiss, this was a passionate one. One that you see in movies after a couple with sexual tension have. The type that was in the Notebook before the sex scene.

Time seemed to stand still for a while. Vicky could no longer feel her body.  

Tears filled up in her eyes. Any negative emotion she could feel in that moment were multiplied by ten. She's never had this feeling before. Rage, sadness, depression all rolled up into one. If Vicky could, she would walk to the dance floor and rip Becky to shreds. But she couldn't find the strength to even move from where she was standing.

She looked down at her hand and realized that she was still holding Nicholas' hand. When she looked up at his worried face, she saw his lips moving but nothing was coming out. In fact, she couldn't hear anything but muffled cheering. 

Before she knew it, everything began to fade until all she could see was complete darkness.

Dance With Me {Book 2: My Dance Partner Series} (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now