Chapter 21

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        I raced through the forest, giggling; the wind whipped through my hair quickly, rippling like a lake when a stone skips over it, and I absolutely adored the sensation. My hair was longer than when Preston was trying to marry me, and it hung in my face by a few inches; I blew at the strands, but that did nothing, causing me to sigh as I ran. Will chuckled as he raced after me; I blew past the finish line, screeching to a halt by shoving my heels into the ground.

        I was sure in the moment that Will rushed past me as if on the breath of the wind that he had merely allowed me to win; I was not nearly as strong as he, though I liked to delude myself into believing that I am. I put my hands on my hips and glared at him. "Will!" I exclaimed.

        "Yes, sweetheart?" he asked, jogging back over to me.

        "You let me win, didn't you?" I whined, and he chuckled, brushing my bangs out of my eyes.

        "Of course not, sweetheart," he told me, but I couldn't find it in myself to believe him as he kissed my forehead so tenderly I almost believed him - I guessed that it was a secret apology, though.

        "Liar!" I shouted, jabbing my finger in his face as I darted out of his grasp. "Until you tell me the truth, I'm going to ignore you!"

        "But, sweetheart!" he called after me as I stormed off, and I just snorted and stuck my nose up in the air like your typical popular girl would do; I couldn't help but allow a slight grin to tug at the corner of my lip, though, and I ended up smiling slightly as I walked away, all snootily.

        Will continued to try to convince me that he hadn't lied and begged for my attention the entire way home, but in the end, he shifted into wolf form and leapt into my path. He glared at me with his green eyes that seemed to glow in the darkening forest. 

        "Sit," he ordered me, but I just walked around him; I was immune to his Alpha commands, so his usual tricks wouldn't work on me. He would have to be really sneaky. And he was.

        I heard the sound of muted padding heading in my direction and immediately, I rolled to avoid whatever it was that was coming at me; however, that must have been expected by my attacker, because I soon found myself with a mouthful of pine needles and dirt. I spat the debris of the forest out of my mouth and turned on to my back; I found Will in wolf form looming over me, and as I watched, he turned back into human form slowly. I tried to ignore the placcid piece of flesh hanging between his legs, instead trying to focus on him, but it didn't work very well; my eyes were kept drawn back, and Will smirked at me, knowing what my eyes were focusing on.

        "Want it?" he purred tauntingly, and I stuck my tongue out at him.

        "Never!" I exclaimed, only to have him lean in and nip at my protruding tongue.

        I yelped and quickly retracted my poor tongue back into my mouth; as I felt my tongue heal, I glared at Will. "Fuck you," I stated, enunciating each syllable, and he chuckled.

        "You know you want it," he said, gesturing to the piece of flesh now not so placcid, but still in between his legs.

        My cheeks heated up and I shook my head wildly. "No, I don't!" I shouted frantically, but instead of taking me seriously, like I had predicted, he shook his head and chuckled.

        "You know you do," he murmured, leaning downwards until his lips were brushing against mine as he spoke - sending electric thrills up and down my spine, the tingles racing out until my entire body was humming.

        I tried to protest against his lips, but the moment that I opened my mouth, his tongue invaded my poor, defenseless mouth; his tongue explored the wet cavern that he knew belonged solely to him - or so he thought. I, on the other hand, was of a different perspective.

        I gently pushed his tongue backwards to the point where I wanted it, and he took that as an invitation to play; his wrestled his tongue with mine, but I kept my tongue nice and limp so that he had nothing to play with. He gave up and went back to exploring, and that was when I acted; opening my mouth wide and allowing my canines to emerge, I slammed my mouth shut, my canines puncturing his tongue nicely.

        He hissed in pain and drew his bleeding tongue from his mouth, and while he was absorbed in his work on examining the damage, I wriggled out from under him, making sure to accidentally brush my foot against his hardness; he groaned, his tongue drawing back into his mouth, and I giggled. He whipped around and glared at me.

        "Ylou hur my tongue," he whined, his tongue swollen from my bite to the point where he was apparently incapable of producing discernible speech. Once his tongue had fully healed, which only took a few seconds, he gave an experimental swipe across his lips, which had me squeezing my legs together from my spot upon the ground littered with pine needles; he smirked at me and licked his lips again, this time slower.

        "Stop it," I groaned, collapsing upon the ground face-first and covering my eyes with my arms. "Stop teasing me."

        "You're the tease here," he replied simply, and I grimaced.

        "Am not!"

        "Are too!"

        "Am not!"

        "Are too!"

        "Am not!"

        "Are t-"

        Will was cut off by one of the members of our pack racing into the clearing, panting for breath.

        "My lord Alpha, my lady Luna, I bring despicable news," the russet-gray wolf confessed to us, and Will and I looked at each other before turning back to the wolf.

        "Continue," we said in unison, and the wolf bowed its head.

        "The Alpha of the Blood Rose Pack has declared war upon us."

Breathe (Mates Saga #1) *Wattys2015*Where stories live. Discover now