Chapter 7

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        "You're watching it again?" Akira asked as she poked her head into my bedroom. "I swear, you haven't grown up at all since we met. You're still in love with the same old stuff."

        I rolled my eyes and paused the movie. "Just because I'm still obsessed with Aladdin does not mean that I haven't grown up. I have grown up; not a whole bunch, but I've still grown up."

        "Just for the record, Anna, I'm going out on a date with Simon, all right?" Akira twirled a lock of her short, black hair around her finger nervously, like she thought I'd get mad at her for wanting to go out with her apparent boyfriend.

        "That's fine," I said, giving her a smile. "Have fun, Akira. Oh, and be sure to tell Simon I'll rip him apart slowly if he breaks your heart."

        Akira laughed, relief flooding into her features. "Okay. I'll be sure to let him know. See you, Ella." She then disappeared, closing my bedroom door behind her.

        With a huge grin, I played the movie again, humming the song, Friend Like Me. Within a couple of minutes, I was completely enthralled in the movie. I cheered Aladdin on and booed Jafar. I sang along with the song Prince Ali and smiled. I loved the movie.

        Suddenly, to my displeasure, my phone rang. I paused the movie and answered my phone, greeting the person on the other end warily. "Hello?"

        "Hey, princess."

        I groaned and fell back against my bed. I let my phone tumble from my hands and pressed my palms against my eyes.

        "Princess, I know you're there," Will continued, and I knew he was smirking.

        I propped myself up on one elbow and grabbed my phone, pressing it to my ear. "Go away, Will."

        He chuckled softly, his voice husky as he replied, "Not a chance, princess. Simon told me he and Akira are going out on a date, which means you'll be home alone. I'll be right over. Oh, and don't think you can run away or lock me out of your house. See you soon, princess."

        With that, he hung up, leaving me gulping nervously. I leapt up from my bed and pulled on some clothes, making sure I at least looked decent. I wore a white T-shirt with a black jacket and blue jeans. I pulled my hair up into a ponytail and grabbed a pair of silver high heels. I ignored the ache in my head as I raced downstairs to get the house somewhat presentable.

        When I was finished cleaning, I went into the kitchen and made myself some food and lemonade. The lemonade was for Will and the food for me, but I had a feeling Will was going to want some food, too. So I made some extra food and stuffed it in the fridge on the off-chance that he wouldn't ask for food.

        I knew that I was racing around the house like a mad woman, but I wanted everything to look perfect. I don't know why, but I always cared about what he thought of me. I couldn't help it. It was just instict.

        The doorbell chimed and I jumped, not expecting him to be here so soon. I took in several calming breaths and walked over to the door, trying to seem perfectly at ease with his presence. I opened it and I was greeted by Will dressed in a white T-shirt and blue jeans. He smirked at me and brushed a strand of my hair out of my eyes, sending pleasant electrical shocks through my body.

        "I see we match," Will breathed, brushing past me and into the house. His hand trailed across my stomach as he walked past, causing me to shiver. "Where's the food?" he asked as I swung the door closed.

        I gestured to the kitchen and brushed past him. I jumped out of reflex when his arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me backwards into his chest. I relaxed, leaning back against him. Will's chest shook with a chuckle and he rested his head on my shoulder, his hands pressed against my lower stomach.

        I couldn't help but reach back and tangle my hands in his brown hair, groaning when he pulled away. He chuckled and I noticed his eyes were dark with lust.

        "Sorry, princess, but I'm rather hungry," Will said, smirking at me.

        I caught the double meaning in his words and turned bright red. I walked into the kitchen, not daring to pause to see if he was coming. I knew I wouldn't be able to control myself if I did. I wanted him so badly that I could barely keep myself from jumping his bones when he appeared in the doorway.

        I grabbed the food I'd made for Will out of the fridge and set it on the island before whirling around and finding myself pressed against Will's chest. He brushed his lips against the back of my neck gently as he leaned down, and I moaned softly. I went limp against him and he carried me upstairs to my bedroom.

        Don't ask me how he knew the way. I really don't know, but I don't really want to either. It's a rather daunting and creepy prospect.

        "Oh, princess, you have no idea how much I want you right now," Will murmured, laying down next to me on my comfortable mattress and wrapping his arms around my waist. He drew me into himself and I couldn't help but relax in his arms. I felt safe, something I hadn't felt in years.

        "If you want me," I managed to whisper despite my overwhelming urge to press my lips against his, "then why are you waiting?"

        "Because I don't want to force you into anything you don't want," he whispered, his legs tangling with mine.

        "Mm." I pressed my head against his chest and closed my eyes, listening to the thrumming of his heart. It was a beat that was familiar and comforting. It was like a lullaby.

        "Princess, who is that man in this picture?" Will asked suddenly, and I forced myself to lift my head off of his ripped chest.

        I saw him holding a picture of Alex and I hugging during our families' celebration of Christmas almost two weeks early (my dad was leaving and we wanted to celebrate it with him). I frowned and guilt almost overwhelmed me. I snatched the picture from his hands and pulled away, clutching the picture to my chest as I curled up in the fetal position, my back facing Will. I slipped off to sleep with tears running down my face.

        I knew it wasn't smart to fall asleep with Will still in the room, but I felt like I knew for sure that he wouldn't try anything or force me into something I didn't want. So I fell asleep anyway, drifting off to happier times when it was so much easier. I missed those times. They were of when Alex was still alive and I was happier than I'd ever been in my entire life. I wanted them back again, but I knew it was only a dream.

Breathe (Mates Saga #1) *Wattys2015*Where stories live. Discover now