Chapter 22

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        Will slammed his fist down on the desk, nearly breaking it into two pieces. "Dammit! Is there any way we could possibly win this war!?"

        No one looked up to meet his eyes, and he growled, his eyes flashing gold as he threatened to shift; I touched his arm gently, and his furious expression softened into a tender one as he turned to me. "Yes?" he asked softly, and I smiled warmly at him.

        "It's all right, Will," I crooned in what I hoped was a soothing way, stroking his arm with only the lightest touches. "Don't be worried; we will find a way to survive."

        All of the other pack members in the room nodded eagerly, looking at each other with wide grins. "Hear, hear!" they said, the cheer rising until a smile graced Will's handsome features; the smile brightened his entire face, leaving his face a glowing lantern that lit my fearful heart up.

        "You see?" I said, gesturing to the pack members. "Everyone thinks that we can do it; you're the only one who doesn't."

        Will hung his head slightly, and I continued to stroke his arm, the touches becoming more of loving caresses. Eventually, he raised his head, and I could see the light of a huge grin on his face.

        "You're right, sweetheart!" he exclaimed, and everyone let out a huge cheer as I smiled, leaning back in my chair - my work was done.

        I watched with a pleased smile on my face as my mate and the rest of our pack discussed the plans for fighting, not even realizing that I wasn't participating. All too soon, I felt the calling of something else, and I stood up, opening the door almost silently. I grimaced when it squeaked and turned back to look at my pack's discussion of war tactics, but no one had heard the quiet screech of the rusty door; I smirked and slid out of the room, closing the door gently behind me. Then, I took off, racing for the forest.

        The moment that I stepped forwards into the woods, I was assulted by a huge wolf that had no doubt been sent - as well as enchanted - by Preston. I growled, my wolf rising to the surface as the wolf before me stared into my eyes - he was challenging my authority, and in the world of pack rules, that was not okay; I had to teach him his place.

        I exploded into my wolf form and growled lowly, the growl tearing out of my throat dangerously and warning the wolf that I was not about to joke around with him; I was deadly serious - it would possibly mean the end of his life if he messed with me. I was not in a good mood; my mate wasn't in a good mood, so I wasn't in a good mood. It's a cycle, you see; our negative feelings are shared through the bond and they just keep bouncing around.

        Now, back to the story.

        As I was saying, the wolf growled right back at me, spitting its words out telepathically as if they were poisonous. Preston demands that you come back to him; he is your true mate, and it is the man you consider to be your mate who is the faker - he is the one who consulted the witch.*

        Who? I asked, giving it a wolfish smirk. Are you talking about Preston, 'cause we all know he's the one who talked to the witch and threatened her into giving him a new mate. Too bad it backfired on him since he got me instead.

        The wolf barked in an acrid way before growling again. Don't you dare accuse our Lord of that; that is all lies!

        Really? I said, giving a harsh bark of laughter. Then explain how I found it written in his journal that he invited me to read; I assure you, this is the truth, and my mate, Will, is not the liar in this situation. Be sure to tell that to your 'Master'.

        I began walking away, only to turn back again at the sound of the wolf's low, rumbling growling. Oh, and I wouldn't trust him if I were you; it's obvious that you were enchanted into believing his every word. I mean, your mate isn't even really your mate - she's just a replacement because yours died in a war - and your wolf form isn't even your real wolf form; everything about you, everything you thought you knew, it's all a lie. Just be warned: he's not telling you the truth.

        With that, I walked away.

        However, I did not get far, as the wolf I had turned my back on leapt on to me at the opportunity I had given it; I was not as smart with the ways of the wolf back then, as I am now. He pinned me down, snapping ferociously at my neck; I could feel the clammy moisture that was his saliva dripping down my neck, sultry and vulgar, and I attempted to shake him off, becoming tired of the slobber splashing down upon my neck. Nevertheless, despite my wild attempts to shake it off, the wolf remained on top of me.

        Suddenly, there was a fierce growl ringing out in the clearing, and as the snarl had just began to die off, the weight on top of me was abruptly removed. I lifted myself up, off of the ground, but a pain wracked through my left hind leg; I whimpered in pain and lifted myself up on to my front legs, turning to examine the wound. I found a gaping bite mark on my leg, blood oozing down my injured leg, and it was then that I began to feel the agony of the wound.

        Will! I cried out, and he raced away from the wolf that was now fleeing from our land to deliver our message - Will's and mine.

        He skidded to a halt in front of me, and he growled fiercely at the sight of my wound. 

        Who did this!? he demanded, still snarling as he sniffed my wound.

        T-that wolf, I choked out, a whimper caught in my throat. He must have done it when he pinned me down, but I didn't notice.

        Will lifted his head from my wound and whipped around to face the direction that the wolf had left in. I'll kill him! he shouted, and I let out a whimper, using my last bit of energy to shift into human form.

        "P-please don't," I stammered, the words tasting odd in my mouth after being in wolf form for so long. "I-I don't want you to get hurt."

        Will shifted back into human form, and he gave me a warm smile. "I promise I won't, my love. Now, sleep."

        I tried to protest, but the words were garbled as they spilled out of my mouth; I slipped into sleep, still trying to protest against his departure.

Breathe (Mates Saga #1) *Wattys2015*Where stories live. Discover now