Chapter 4

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        I was a bit lost, to be honest. Akira was no where to be found, and neither was Olive. I guess I did know where to go, but I wanted someone, anyone, to walk with, someone to talk with, someone who wouldn't mind my weirdness.

        "Hey, sweetheart."

        Okay, I take that back, I thought, sighing. There's one person I don't want to talk to.

        "Go away," I snapped, walking away before I could get more involved than I already was.

        Will chuckled softly, wrapping his arm around my waist. "But I can't leave you to be lonely by yourself," he protested, smirking as if he thought I wouldn't have a comeback.

        I gritted my teeth and hissed, "I'd rather be lonely than be with you. I wouldn't be anywhere near you, even if you were the last man on Earth."

        Will only laughed, a big, booming sound that filled the halls. Honestly, it sent a little shiver down my spine. "Feisty," he said, tightening his grip on my waist and turning me to face him, "I like it."

        "Don't talk about me like I'm an object!" I exclaimed, pulling back and away from him. "I'm a person, not an object!"

        Will's laugh turned dark and his voice became husky as he replied, "Yes, I know. You're mine, after all."

        That made me more than just a little bit ticked off, and I slapped him across the face. "I am no one's property, and certainly not yours, you bastard!"

        He was so shocked at my declaration and actions he actually let go of me all together and I hurried down the corridor. I heard loud footsteps coming after me and picked up my pace. Of course, in response, the footsteps picked up, sounding closer than before. Before Will could catch me, I darted into my next class, catching the few students already there off guard.

        "Sorry about that," I told them, closing the door gently and praying to God that Will wouldn't interrupt the class in his endeavors to capture me.

        The teacher was a tall, balding man with a brilliant smile. "Oh, it's quite all right," he exclaimed brightly, making a few students wince. "You're early, and I like it when my students are early!"

        I slipped into a seat in the back next to an emo looking kid. "I can tell," I muttered under my breath, making the kid next to me laugh quietly.

        The kid turned in his seat, revealing stunning blue eyes that simply glowed. Of course, his black, shaggily cut bangs hung in his eyes, making it difficult to determine what shade of blue his eyes were. He stuck out his hand. "I'm Simon Riaz, apparently the school's official emo. What's your name?"

        "I'm Gabriella Elmwood, but you can call me Ella. I'm not sure what I am to the school, but it's anything but invisible," I told him, laughing to myself softly.

        "I'll say," he agreed, laughing as well. "You're too pretty to be invisible."

        I blushed scarlet, and he laughed again, shaking his head in amusement. "What? What is it?" I asked, tipping my head to the side slightly.

        "I'm gay," he explained, and I dissolved into a fit of giggles as well.

        "Well, then," I said, muffling my giggles behind my hand after being scowled at by the teacher who still hadn't told us his name. "I'm glad I didn't get too attatched," I whispered to him, leaning over on to his desk.

Breathe (Mates Saga #1) *Wattys2015*Where stories live. Discover now