Chapter 49 - A new member

Start from the beginning

Sam: Anything interesting happen last night?

She says with a mischievous smile.

You: All we did was sleep, that's it.

Sam: Really?

Derick: Would you all shut up! This isn't time to talk about Y/N and his friend, we need to focus on the big picture!

Ashley: Okay Derick's right.

Sam: At least introduce her to us.

You: Guys this is Clementine.

Everyone greeted her and introduced themselves to Clem except for Derick.

You: Your turn.

Derick: I'll pass.

You sigh as Ashley introduces her brother to Clementine.

Karen: Now that we've got that out of the way do you think you can go check the area one more time guys. We need to make sure the people Clem ran into aren't headed this way.

Evan: Who?

Karen: After yesterday probably Jonathan, Derick, Ashley and Y/N. The rest of us will stay here just in case and please try to work with each other, we can't have any more injuries.

With there being no real arguments everyone assigned to go got their weapons and headed out. Before you got going Clem ran over to you.

Clem: Can't I go with you?

You: You're not fully healed yet, don't worry okay.

You brag Clem's hands.

You: I'll 3 to see if there are any signs of the kids.

Clem: Be careful.

You let go of her and follow the others.

Clem's POV

You watch Y/N walk away with the others as Sam walks up to you.

Sam: I bet you're hungry, come over to the rest of us and eat.

She leads you over to a table where the others are having their meals.

Karen: Here Clementine.

She offers you a full plate of food, something you rarely got.

You: Thank you.

Evan: Don't worry about it, any friend of Y/N is a friend of ours.

Sam: So Clem how long have you known Y/N?

You: We met a few days after this whole mess started. We've been friends ever since.

Karen: That's about right.

You: Huh?

Karen: Y/N told me about you and many other people that helped him along the way. He missed you so much he could barely sleep at night after he woke up.

You: I didn't know he had trouble sleeping.

Sam: It's not your fault, if I woke up after 6 months and people I was surviving with were nowhere to be found I wouldn't sleep well either.

You: 6 months?

Evan: Yeah, I guess he didn't tell you this but when Karen first broyght Y/N here he was bloodied and dying, he also...had a bite on his left wrist. He usually has in covered with a black wrist band. My guess is he was bitten before Karen found him.

Y/N was bit, it can't be, how would he survive as long as he did.

Karen: It was a light bite so the effects happened slower than usual.

You: It doesn't change the fact that he was bit and no one noticed.

Guilt and pain flow through your heart, Y/N could've died in front of you and you wouldn't have known.

Karen: Thankfully Y/N is fine now.

You: How?

Evan: With this.

He shows you test tubes with red liquids in them.

Evan: Originally they were supposed to be used to make soldiers unbeatable, the perfect warriors of combat but after the walkers came to be and many scientists died  I thought we could alter this serum and make an antidote, a few of us tried to make one but many more kept dying. Y/N is one of two people who received the antidote and didn't die.

You: What?

Sam: The others became deformed and died or stayed as walkers.

Karen: I don't know what I would do if he was dead. I couldn't live with myself knowing my baby boy died in my arms.

You: Wait are you...

Karen: That's right I'm Y/N's mom.

You remember how you were just holding hands in front of his mom and get a bit nervous and shy.

Evan: For many years we failed but 2 years ago Y/N like I said became the second person to survive  and so far the two of them have proven to be just fine. However we aren't sure if they won't turn of they get bitten once more.

You: I see, so who is the other person who survived.

Karen: Derick.

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