Chapter 39: Away Again

Start from the beginning

"WhAt? YoU'rE cRyInG? SeRIousLY? YoU hAvE nO eM0ti0nS! WhY cOuLd yoU pOsSiBlY bE cRyInG?"He says in a taunting tone

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"WhAt? YoU'rE cRyInG? SeRIousLY? YoU hAvE nO eM0ti0nS! WhY cOuLd yoU pOsSiBlY bE cRyInG?"He says in a taunting tone

"I'm nOt tHe InK yOu tHiNk I aM. In mY tiMeLiNe, w-w-wE l0vEd eAch oThEr."I tell him

"WeLL I gUeSS wE ErRoRs aRe gReAt liArs, cAusE I dOn'T eVer SeE aNy ErrOr oR mE fAlLiNg iN lOvE wItH a wOrThLesS bEiNg lIkE yoU! You'Re nOt EvEn mEaNt t0 eXiSt! We'D oNlY sAy tHat fOr tRiCkEry rEaSoNs! NoW sAy goOdByE!"He laughs, raising a bone attack

"STOP! ERROR, PLEASE STOP!"A voice yells

Error froze. Only seconds before he gets knocked away from me. Gradient runs between us, knocking him back. He drops down to his knees and hugs me, holding me protectively. Error steps forward, but is knocked back by one of Gradient's bone attacks. Error seemed shocked and confused.

"Error, this is all a misunderstanding. This is not your Ink. He is from an alternate timeline and is telling the truth. You can't kill him."Gradient snaps

"AnD wHy nOt?"Error growls, clearly ready to attack one way or another

"Gradient, i-it's okay. D-Don't do this...Don't get in trouble with him for me."I say, no more than a weak whisper

"It's ok. I got this handled. I didn't just blindly come here with no help or plan."Gradient assures me, but I could see his uncertain expression and uncertain tone

"Gradient assures me, but I could see his uncertain expression and uncertain tone

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"AnSwEr mE!"Error demands

"A few reasons, actually. He saved me from the people that really took me! He's been protecting me! I'm in his debt for all I care or know! Besides, I don't think you want to anger certain people. Like, I dunno, an alternate version of you, Blue, Dust and all your friends or allies? This Ink's brother, and yes he exists I met him! Or, do you really want a brother, a Papyrus, of the alternate you angry with you? Do you want all that?"Gradient yells

"I dOn'T hAvE a BrOtHeR, No ErRoR dOeS. An ErRoR PapYrUs dOeSn'T eXisT. StOp yOuR eMpTy tHrEaTs!"Error snaps

"Oh, I eXiSt, aLtErnAtE bRoThEr."E!Pap says

Error jumps, turning around. E!Pap grabs him and tosses him aside. E!Pap then uses the advantage of being in another anti-void to make a portal to most likely everyone again. A single bone attack was shot my way, grazing my head. I check my stats, it was dropping again. Everything was going dark.

ErrorInk:To Be Enemies Or Not To Be EnemiesWhere stories live. Discover now