"Amara, I'm not coming onto you." he laughs.

"Come back to me when you're a man.. and then we can talk." he chuckles and I feel myself die inside a little.

"You're gay!" I exclaim loudly, and then immediately feel my cheeks flush.

"I don't mean that in a bad way! I just, Mason never told me. Oh god." I ramble. Could I be more embarrassed? Probably not. I just rejected a gay man who I thought was coming onto me.

People should really stop telling me how naïve I am, because apparently I now think I'm Sherlock Holmes.

"It's okay, Amara. It could've been read wrong if you didn't know." he smiles, unfazed by my humiliating lapse of judgement.

"God, that's embarrassing." I cringe and he nudges my shoulder.

"I won't tell Mason." he laughs.

"Thank you." I sigh.

"Don't mention the fact that I'm gay, alright? I know he wouldn't care. But barely anybody knows. Only my parents and you, and the guy I'm talking to.. I'm not ready yet." he smiles at me and I give him a reassuring nod and return the smile.

"I won't, I promise." I say softly.

"And you're talking to a guy?" I say with a smirk on my face and he rolls his eyes.

"Yes, he's real cute." he gushes and I smile.

"You're weirdly.. instantly trustable. Has anybody ever told you that?" he chuckles.

"Thank you.. I think. And yes, funnily enough." I furrow my brow and he laughs.

"What's so funny?" Mason chimes as he stands in the doorway.

"We were talking about us messing up your surprise." I say, technically not lying. I always have to find a loophole when I lie to Mason, he's like a human lie detector when it comes to me.

"I see." he rolls his eyes.

"Meet me in the car, we have to go." he tells me as he walks away.

Matt mouths a 'thank you' to me as I leave, following Mason to the car. Still embarrassed from my idiocy. We have to drive to my place first to follow my mom there, since Mason has no idea where he's going.

"Can I put on my music?" I ask and he glares at me.

"No way, you probably listen to some weird choir shit." he teases and I scowl.

"I do not." I snap and he chuckles.

"I'll put the radio on, that way neither of us get to choose, we just have to deal with it." he says and I sigh, reluctantly agreeing.

"Did you pack the jacket?" he asks me, smirking.

"Yes." I say quietly, knowing he is referring to the leather jacket of his, I don't know why he likes it so much. And I don't know why I packed it.

"Good." he smiles deviously and I wish I knew what was running through his mind.

We follow my mom's car and around an hour in I can feel myself falling asleep, I cannot handle long car journeys, I always fall asleep, every single time. I try to keep my eyes open but it's pretty pointless.

"You can rest." Mason tells me softly, glancing at me before taking his eyes back to the road.

"No, I want to stay awake." I mumble.

"Sleep, Amara. I'll wake you before we get there." he says and I nod.

Before I know it, I'm falling asleep to the sound of an 80's song on the radio.

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