chapter 11

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i'm so sorry for the wait, i'm so bad at this and i have no inspiration :(

a few days has passed by and chloe hasn't been feeling right, she's been vomiting and feeling very nauseous.

chloe was in class when she had the sudden urge to vomit, jumping out of her seat, rushing out of the class room. leaving a worried beca and a angry teacher behind. the red head made it to the toilet just in time as the vomit just flowed out of her.

the bathroom door opened as beca walked in, "chloe? are you okay" chloe mumbling gibberish into the vomit. beca walked to chloe and held her hair back "deep breaths"

after a while chloe finally stopped vomiting and was curled up to beca on the floor of the school bathroom.

"are you okay" beca asked as she stroked chloe's red gorgeous firery hair. "y-yeah just tired and dizzy"

the small brunette kissed chloe's head "let's skip the rest of the day and go home" chloe nodding.

on their way home chloe asked to stop at the small market place on the corner of phillip street. beca has been waiting in the car for over 5 minutes now when she sees chloe walk out of the store with a small box.

the redhead hopped in the car "what's that?" chloe hid the box "just some pills"

beca pulled a confused face, nodding and starting the car. on the ride home chloe started to fall asleep, the brunettes hand on her thigh. "you feeling better babe?" chloe looked at beca "not really".

beca sighed "my poor baby". after a few minutes went by and the two got home. beca helping chloe into her room. the redhead took her shirt off and pulled beca close to her, pulling the brunettes hoodie off, sliding it on herself. "thank you" chloe smiled, beca just giggling.

the redhead took her jeans off and slid on a comfy pair of shorts, before sliding into bed. "cuddles?" beca smiled as she laid close next to her girlfriend, chloe cuddling close to her.

chloe fell asleep, leaving beca wondering what chloe brought from the store. she didn't want to move since her beautiful girlfriend was laying close to her.

a few hours have gone by and chloe woke up. her eyes slowly fluttered open to a gorgeous brunette asleep. she slowly untangled herself from beca and stood up. she walked over to her wardrobe and grabbed the box she hid from beca.

making her way to the bathroom, she opened the door quietly and sat on the toilet. holding the little box in her hand, she sighed.

reading the word on the box over and over again 'pregnancy test' 'pregnancy test' 'pregnancy test' chloe groaned and opened the box taking one stick out.

beca slowly woke up to a cold side of the bed behind her, she looked around and no sign of her girlfriend. the small girl got out of bed and made her way to the kitchen to start breakfast.

after 15 minutes have passed, beca finished up the two girls breakfast and saw chloe walk into the kitchen. "hey babe where were you?" chloe looked up from the ground to beca and mumbled "the bathroom".

beca thought chloe was acting weird but she just ignored it because she knew she has been feeling a bit off. the redhead sat at the table as her girlfriend placed her plate in front of her.

chloe looking at the warm steaming waffle sitting on front of her, it looked good but the smell was making her stomach turn a little. she shook her head and started to cut a small bit of the waffle off. "how was your sleep, you feeling better?" beca asked.

chloe looked up at beca and shrugged "it was ok i guess". the two just sat in silence and ate, chloe having a blank look on her face.

"you sure you feel okay?" beca asked, chloe just nodded. the brunette knew something had to be up, she's not normally like this.

i'm sorry that this chapter isn't long. like i said, i don't really have much inspiration at the moment. if you guys have anything either comment it or dm me, i'll thank you guys forever. enjoy this chapter.

[word count: 723]

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