"My father demanded that I would return for Christmas. Not to spend time with him of course. So he can work me and take the money. I would much rather stay here." Ladybug gave him a look of pity. She knows how much Chat has struggled with his issues with his dad. "You know what I just remembered LB, man this feels like forever ago. He said back in September that he would make sure I was put in Slytherin but I haven't heard from him since. Or Natalie. Maybe I can stay here for Christmas after all." He smiled thinking of it.

"I wish there was an option to just go for a day trip. My parents would be so upset if they didn't get to see me. Maybe I can talk to Headmaster Fu about it. Tell him that I'm concerned about what would happen if I left for the holidays but my parents would wonder why I stayed here."

"That's a good idea Ladybug. He might let you go see them for the day and then come back." Chat walked over to where she was standing. "You haven't stopped me yet." Ladybug looked at her partner with a puzzled look on her face.

"Stopped you from what..."

"Talking about our lives. You usually interrupt me but you haven't yet. Mari, I feel like by avoiding this topic it's just making things worse." He whispered to her.

"Not worse, safer. We're friends as civilians and partners as heroes. Nothing about our dynamic needs to change. And as long as we don't say names we'll be fine." Ladybug said walking to the door. "Wait five minutes before you leave Chaton. I'll see you back in the common room. Tikki, spots off." Ladybug turned back into Marinette and left the black cat in the Room alone watching the bluenette leave with the red owl flying behind her. He felt his leather ears droop when the door closed.

• • •

Adrien wasn't paying attention to Nino's joke but he laughed anyway. He had to pretend. He had to pretend not to care when he saw Luka put his arm around Marinette. For some bizarre reason she decided to take him back. November 1st was the worst day of his life. The Luka incident, the reveal, Luka and Marinette getting back together, and the creation of the elephant in the room. Adrien hasn't felt the same since. He didn't notice a change in Marinette's behavior unless she's a really good actress. He got up abruptly and walked out of the room. Marinette frowned at his departure. She knew he was struggling. She was too. She just buried it. She's gotten good at it.

• • •

Adrien has found a nice place to relax when he needs to be alone. He felt his eyes burn with tears. She had to know, how could she not? Chat always made his feelings for Ladybug very clear and towards the end he began to feel something for Marinette. Nothing he ever planned on acting on. Then they turned out to be the same person! What are the chances? And he can't be with either of them. Every time they're alone he falls for her, both sides, even more. Luka. He despised him. He took the girl he loves away. It was his fault. When Alya caught Adrien in a moment of despair, she told him Marinette had feelings for Adrien before she started dating Luka. That made him cry even more. He could of been with her if he hadn't screwed it up.

"Adrikins!" A shrill voice called out. That was the one aspect of his life that hasn't changed. Chloe's obsession with him. "Why are you crying again? Did Maritrash hurt you?" In a moment of weakness he told Chloe about his feelings for Marinette. She hasn't told anyone, thank god, but she doesn't like it. "You know she doesn't deserve you, right? You're too good for her." She sat down beside him and put her arm on his back. "I'm serious Adrien. You can do so much better than her. I'm not saying this because I want you for myself. I'm worried for you. I've known you for a very long time and you look sickly, you're not yourself anymore." He looked up to meet her face seeing her frown at his expression. "It's been over a month since she started dating him. You need to get over her. Maybe you should tell her how you feel. That's the first step to recovery." Chloe advised him. That's when Adrien realized how bad it was if Chloe was giving him advice. He nodded and thanked her before heading to his room.

   Plagg jumped onto the bed and curled up beside him.

   "Hey kid. You know what also makes me feel better? Cheese. You should really try that." Plagg attempted to support his holder. Adrien smiled weakly at the cat before giving him a piece of cheese from his stash.

   Then the devil walked into the room. Luka has since fully apologized and made nice with him and Adrien has faked nice back. He resents the musician.

   "Hey Adrien. I was thinking that maybe the G-Squad should perform the day before everyone leaves for the holidays. Mari is going to talk to Bustier about performing in the Great Hall." Luka said looking through his drawers for a scarf.

   "That sounds great. Are you staying for the holidays?"

   "No, Juleka and I promised our folks we'd be home for Christmas. Aha! Found it." Luka pulled out the missing scarf. "What about you?"

   "I'll probably stay. I'll like it better here. Why do you need the scarf?"

   "I'm surprising Mari with a picnic and it's a little cold out. I'm bringing it for her just in case." Adrien wished he never asked. He saw Plagg rolled his eyes and Adrien stifled back a laugh.

   "Well hope you two have fun." Adrien said dryly. Luka shot him a glare, as if to say back off. Despite Luka being nice, Marinette told him of Adrien's speech so Luka definitely had some jealously. And Adrien was fine with that. Luka waved goodbye and headed out. Adrien followed suit with Plagg. The cat and wizard made their way to the only place they felt happy. The room of requirement. His and Marinette's place. He knew she would not be there, she was with Luka. Adrien sat down on the floor and pet his cat. Even though the cat could talk, it still was nice that he was a pet.

   "Adrien. As much as I love a good belly rub, we need a plan." Plagg meowed at him. Adrien looked at him, puzzled. "How you're going to tell Ladybug that you lOvE hEr." Adrien rolled his eyes.

   "I can't Plagg. She doesn't want our 'personal interests' to mix. Besides, she's with Luka."

   "Well she's probably staying here for the holidays and Luka's not. There's your opening kiddo!" Adrien smiled. That might just work.

1821 words

A Miraculous Year at Hogwarts (Miraculous Ladybug Harry Potter AU)  •ABANDONED•Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu