Memory Lane

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The next morning, Retsuko woke up first, slowly opening eyes, only to immediately cover them. The sun was already pouring through the window and into the room, and it was much brighter than Retsuko thought it would be. She rubbed her head a little, a bit hungover from the party. "Damn..this sucks." She thought as she finally brought herself to open her eyes fully. She looked to her side, seeing Haida still asleep, snoring softly. She smiled a little, gently putting her arms around him. When she did, she was reminded of what was brought up the previous day. She sighed a little. She was so sure that she didn't want a kid, but now that the idea was actually brought up, she couldn't stop thinking about it. She laid in bed with Haida for a while, until he eventually woke up slowly, slightly moving. " head.." He rubbed his head a little, and Retsuko smiled softly. "Morning Haida." She said, going up and planting a kiss on his forehead. Haida smiled a little, almost forgetting his headache existed for a second. "Morning Retsuko. Are you feeling ok?" Retsuko nodded, yawning softly. "Yeah, just a little headache is all. How about you?" She asked, and Haida sighed in response. "Headache for sure, but i'm also really hungry." Haida said, sitting up and stretching. Retsuko sat up as well, smiling at Haida. "Want me to go make something for breakfast?" She asked. Haida glanced over. "Have you cooked before? I don't think I've seen you do it before." Retsuko thought. " that I think about it, I don't think I have.." She sighed a little. Haida smiled a bit. "Why don't I show you a few things? That way you can try and cook." Retsuko smiled and nodded. "Sure!" She said, and the two of them got up and went to the kitchen.

Once they got there, Retsuko opened up a cabinet to take out some pain meds, so hopefully their headaches would go away. Meanwhile, Haida got out some eggs and set them on the counter. "Here Haida." Retsuko gave Haida some meds for his headache, which the both of them took. "Alright Retsuko, to start this off, we need a pan." Retsuko nodded, getting a pan and setting it on the stove. "I'm going to start off simple and show you how to make scrambled eggs. It's a really simple thing to make, and it's a nice thing to make if you don't have to much time." Haida took a pan out for himself and set it down. "So first, we need to turn the stove on, so we can heat the pan." Haida turned his side of the stove on, and Retsuko did the same. "We need to wait a little bit before we can put the eggs on." "Ok!" Retsuko responded, smiling. "So, what do you want to do today?" Retsuko asked, causing Haida to shrug. "I really don't know. Maybe we can just stay at the house today, considering we've been going out a lot recently." "That sounds good to me." Retsuko replied, looking at the pan. After a few minutes, Haida continued with his instructions. "Ok, now we need to gently crack the egg, and break it open so the inside can be in the pan." Haida demonstrated by gently cracking the egg open and dropping the yolk into the pan. Retsuko did the same thing, smiling.

"This reminds me of something." She said, now copying what Haida was doing, breaking the yolk apart with a spatula. "Really? What's that?" Haida asked, continuing with the cooking process. "When I was little, I used to help my Mom bake. I was mainly in charge of breaking the eggs." Retsuko said, smiling thinking about it. "That's sweet." Haida said, smiling as he focused on the eggs. Eventually, the eggs were finished. "See? That wasn't so hard." Haida said, taking out some plates. "Yeah, it wasn't! I'll have to do it more." Retsuko said, going and hugging Haida from behind. "Thanks for helping me." Retsuko said, making Haida blush. "Y-Yeah, no problem!" Once the plates were out, they served the eggs and sat at the table. The two of them began to eat. The eggs tasted pretty good, considering it was Retsuko's first time making them.

"So Haida, do you have any memories from cooking or baking?" Retsuko asked, curious where Haida's love of cooking came from. Haida thought for a second. "Well, cooking was a good way for me to bond with my Dad. He worked a lot, and I hardly got to see him..but when he was home, we would usually cook something together. He slowly taught me how to cook overtime, so that was my mom didn't always have to do it." He said, smiling a little bit. "That's so sweet!" Retsuko replied, eating her food. Once they finished, they put the dishes away, and sat together on the couch. Retsuko cuddled up to Haida, smiling happily. "So Haida, if your Dad was busy, did you hang out with you Mom?" She asked, looking up at him. Haida chuckled. "Oh yeah. I was a huge Mama's boy." He thought about it a bit. "I went everywhere with her while I was a kid. Of course, I learned to seperate myself as I got older, but I still have a good connection with her." Retsuko smiled. "I'm glad you have a good relationship with your parents." She said, and Haida smiled. "Yeah, me too." He sighed a little, looking up at the ceiling. "If I ever had a kid, I would ensure a good relationship with them."

Retsuko looked a little surprised at the comment. "Oh, that's nice." She said, and Haida smiled. "Yeah!" He said, looking at Retsuko again. "Does that mean he wants kids? I could ask..but I don't even know if I want kids! Well, I do..but..I don't know." Retsuko was lost in thought, until Haida interrupted. "You ok?" He asked, noticing Retsuko had been quiet for a while. "O-Oh yeah! Sorry, I was just thinking." She replied, nervously laughing. "About what?" Haida asked, looking curious. "Oh,! I don't really want to go back! Do you?" Haida looked curious again, near suspicious. "Retsuko, you know you can tell me anything, right?" Haida said. Retsuko sighed, then took a deep breath. "Haida..I..I want kids."

Surprise, I'm not dead. I've been really busy with work and school and have had very little time to write, so..sorry. I'll try and be better about it.


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