Haida's Nerves

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The majority of the work week was the same as it usually was in the accounting department. Retsuko would get work piled onto her, and Haida would help. Mr. Ton was still acting like a piece of shit, Kabae wouldn't stop running her mouth, Fenneko always had something to say about someone on social media, etc. The only real difference was how Haida was feeling. Since he had started dating Retsuko, he had been the happiest he has been in years. However, he noticed he was feeling a bit out of it.

Now it was Friday, the day before Haida and Retsuko would go on their second date. Haida was sat working at his desk, doing a bunch of calculations as he usually did. "Ok, so add this here, divide this, add those..." Haida was super focused on his work, and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Break time came soon, and the three friends went to go eat.

"So, you two having another date tomorrow?" Fenneko asked while taking a bit of her food. Retsuko smiled and nodded. "Yep! I can't wait!" Haida smiled, while blushing. "Y-Yeah me neither!" Haida kept eating, but Fenneko noticed something. "Is everything ok Haida? You look pale." Haida smiled. "Yeah, I'm fine. I guess I just haven't eaten all day is all." Haida continued to eat, as did Retsuko and Fenneko. Truth be told, Haida was super nervous about the date the next day. He was so worried he was going to mess something up after the first one went so well, it was bothering him without him even realizing it.

After the break, everyone went back to work in their spaces. When Retsuko sat down, Fenneko leaned over. "Does something seem off to you about Haida?" She asked quietly, looking at Haida who was already focused on his work. Retsuko shrugged. "I don't know, I did notice he seemed a little nervous about the date tomorrow." Fenneko looked at Haida, then to Retsuko. "A little? He's all shaky, and he even looks a little pale." This was true, as Haida was having a hard time writing because of his little tremor he was experiencing. "I guess I can talk to him. We both stay late so I can ask him then." Fenneko nodded and went back to work.

One thing about Haida, was that he was one of the few people Mr. Ton actually liked. He was usually quiet while working, and he never got any of his math wrong. So when Mr. Ton saw that Haida had messed something up, he was surprised. "Hey Haida, come over here for a sec." Mr. Ton stated, as Haida stood up and headed over. "Yes sir?" Haida asked, hands behind his back. "You messed up on your math a few times." Mr. Ton showed Haida where he had got something wrong. "You never get anything wrong. What's going on?" Haida gulped a little, clamping his hands. "N-Nothing! Just a little tired I guess." Mr. Ton looked Haida up and down. "Calm down Haida, jeez. You're shaking like a scared chihuahua." Haida quickly grabbed his papers from Ton's desk. "I-I'll get to fixing these!" Haida quickly sat back down to fix his work.

Retsuko and Fenneko had been paying attention to Haida and Ton the whole time. "Since when did Haida get his math wrong? He's a mathematical genius." Fenneko asked. Retsuko shrugged. "I'm not sure, and he looked so scared of Mr. Ton." Retsuko looked at Haida, who was fixing his work that he messed up. "Yeah, you really need to talk to him. He looked like a wreck." Feneko went back to work, but Retsuko just watched Haida for a second. He was still a little on the shaky side, palms sweaty and his face a combination of pale and blushing. "Why is he so nervous? He wasn't this nervous on the first date, not even close. What's so different about this one?" She thought as she watched Haida fix his work.

After the work day and after everyone had left Haida and Retsuko alone, Retsuko finally decided to talk about it. "Hey Haida?" Retsuko asked, causing him to look up from his work. "Yeah, what's up Retsuko?" Haida smiled a friendly smile, and he looked better than earlier, making Retsuko sigh in relief. "Fenneko and I noticed you looked nervous as hell earlier. You looked so terrified of Mr. Ton, and you never get math wrong. What's going on?" Haida blushed and looked down, almost like he was ashamed. "I-I'm sorry Retsuko...I'm just..really worried I'm going to mess something up somehow." Haida looked back up at Retsuko. "I...really like you Retsuko. I don't want to ruin anything." Retsuko blushed. "Don't worry Haida, you won't ruin anything. I had a lot of fun the first time." Retsuko walked around to Haidas side, and Haida stood up. She gave him a hug, making him blush. "Thanks Retsuko." Haida smiled, and the two of them got back to work.

A little while later, Haida made it back home. He hung his jacket on the hook and flopped onto his bed. He really needed to get some sleep, but his mind was still racing, much like the night before. "I really need to get over these nerves..." Haida thought as he slipped into his sleep clothes. He went into the kitchen to find some medicine for sleep, which he took and got into bed. Tomorrow was way too important to not be rested for.  

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